On Feb 15, 1:59 am, Declan Murphy <declan_mur...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 14, 8:39 pm, successinjapan <richard.pos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello Business Builder In/With Japan:
> > Success in JapanEnterprises is conducting a video webinar conference
> > outlining what you need to do to open a legal business (LLC) in Japan.
> > The webinar
> > (on February 18th at 9 AM Japan Standard Time),
> > presented by a bilingual Japanese-certified legal adviser, will lay
> > out the procedures and cumulative costs for setting up a godo-gaisha
> > (LLC), the business type of choice for entrepreneurs and small- to
> > medium-sized businesses. A short Q&A will follow the 30 minute
> > presentation.
> From the above I guess this would not be for an actually legal
> business?
> Or a business where posting the contact details of the organisers, or
> the name & geographic location of the "adviser" etc would be
> considered a normal procedure?

Maybe it is like one of those things where they will tell you at the
last minute over the phone
where to transfer all your money to.

It is a bit "odd" that he wasn't smart enough to include details.

A quick googlage turns up the site, of course. (no link-love from
me.)  Reminds me of a Geocities website in its
level of polish and professionalism.

Loved this line from the Privacy policy:

"This Site is not directed at children. Visitors and Authorized
Customers are required to be eighteen years or older."

*Almost* makes me want to look for some boobage.  Not likely to find
any, though.