Re: One of those frustrating things...
Declan Murphy <> wrote in message news:<>...
> John W. wrote:
> > Declan Murphy <> wrote in message news:<>...
> >
> >>I doubt it. The gaigin press, such as it is, seems to be constantly
> >>short of content. I don't write anything in English except for my own
> >>sites, but I've had the editor/sub-editor thingees of one eigo
> >>newspaper, two eigo magazines and one eigo newsletter contact me in the
> >>last 6 months asking for contributed articles. Now that I think of it I
> >>should have suggested Eric.
> >
> > I've tried many times to get those folks to let me write something for
> > them, to no avail. :(
> Didn't you write for the Kansai Time Out thingee?
Yeah, worked there as an Assoc. Editor, too. But I put them in a
different field than the daily newspapers. And I should note that
Mainichi said they'd welcome submissions, but couldn't pay for them.
I'm currently sitting on my writing and doing some tech stuff. When I
go to Japan this fall I'll get a new batch of material.
John W.
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