"ifignow" <ifignow@yawoo.com> wrote in message news:<VgEGb.530713$0v4.22226070@bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net>...
> "Eric Takabayashi" <etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote in message
> news:3FEAC071.63925D9F@yahoo.co.jp...
> > Try your family's friends and their families. See if they have any
>  connections
> > through community groups such as the neighborhood association. There are
>  tons
> > of events modern and traditional going on now at the end of the year and
>  start
> > of the new year. They should provide ample opportunity, and be
>  entertaining as
> > well.
> I hear what you're saying, but my family manages a complex web of
> professional relationships, and I don't know all the nuances of Japanese
> culture, so rather than be the proverbial bull in the china shop, it would
> be better if I met strangers.
> > It is unfortunate that you are here so short a time, because in a place
>  like
> > Tokyo, you should be able to meet people simply walking the streets.
> Can't wait to leave, really.

Then that's probably why you haven't and won't meet a girl that fits the bill.

John W.