Re: Japan and Germany
"Rindler Sigurd" <> wrote in message news:<3f32d5ac$>...
> I think it depends on Masayuki's age.The Japanese school system is to blame
> for the high number of Japanese "nazis" in our society.
One other big reality is that there were no 'Jews' or the equivalent
in Asia. The Jewish population of the world quite rightly didn't let
anyone forget the sufferings of Europe. In Asia there simply hasn't
been that level of public, international outcry until relatively
recently, and even the press that exists isn't as organized or
aggressive as in Europe. How many Chinese citizens groups were created
in the post-war years to hunt down and punish Japanese war criminals?
Very few. For one thing the cold war in Asia was very different than
in Europe; China was on the other side of the fence, so to speak, and
Korea in all honesty had it's own issues to contend with for several
decades. It is only recently that many of the atrocities have 'come to
light' (most were known, but for varying reasons were not made
'important' until recently). So while I agree that Japanese education
hasn't been as open as it could, the rest of the world has hardly been
pressuring Japan to be more forthcoming.
John W.
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