Re: What does everyone have against French society?
"x" <someone@somewhere.cxm> wrote in message news:<5KaYa.105537$>...
> "MatthewOutland" <> wrote in message
> > I ffrench waiters are anything like how they are in canada, I think
> > they deseve their reputation as alziness.
> >
> >
> >
> > Whats worse
> > than a black guy on living off a welfare check?
> >
> >
> > Answer: A canadian waiter
> What's worse than a bad canadian waiter joke?
> The racist fuck that posted it to this newsgroup.
Good point...
> IE: why does it have to be a "black guy" living off the welfare cheque?
> What about all the white trash triler park shits who soak off the good of
> society?
... effectively ruined.
John W.
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