Brett Robson <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Of course
>  1. There's no oil
>  2. They're poor and black
>  3. There's no oil
> 4. High-tech weapons and massive fire-power are useless, soldiers would actually
> have to do  soldiering. No opportunity to "kick ass"
>  5. There's no oil
>  6. It's dangerous to health
>  7. There's no oil
>  8. Not even Americans are dumb enough to believe Al Queda have links to Liberia
>  9. There's no oil
> 10. Liberia is a shitty hole that doesn't look good on TV, and reporters won't
> want to go there anyway.
> 11. There's no oil
You forgot to mention that to most Americans Liberia looks a lot like
Somalia, even though they're hardly the same.

John W.