Re: Now *this* is appalling
Eric Takabayashi <> wrote in message news:<>...
> The US uses more oil, and doesn't have or use as much of its own.
Of course, it doesn't have to be this way. If the CAFE (sp) standards
were the same across the board, or more even handed (and this is
possible), the US wouldn't be so dependent. Besides, there are other
sources of oil; I remember a story some years ago that said Russian
oil reserves could easily fill our needs.
> If the army and extremists would like to have at each other only, that would be
> life. Unfortunately, both sides do not have such sense.
Build a fence around the place. Better yet, put the leaders (ALL of
them, including those of Hamas etc.) in a small room with no AC, no
toilet, and water laced with laxative. Tell them they can come out
when they've all sworn on their God that they will pursue peace.
> The Mideast used to be as peaceful as other parts of the world before this
> century.
It's more organized now, thanks to the Europeans.
John W.
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