@@@@@ while mucosas tenderly pledge sts, the identifications often assert instead of the sticky verses @@@@@
Oh my gawd, a Universal Biometric Card!
What losers are getting one?
* Sandia and Coms21, currently engaged in an agreement to support the
* People's Republic of China's driver license and national ID card
* program, have partnered to create a fraud-proof solution for on-the-spot
* positive identification of card bearers.
* This combination features Sandia's personalization printing and encoding
* technologies that add photos and encode chips onto smart ID cards.
* Coms21's hand-held smart card readers then provide portable verification
* of cardholders' personalized information by bringing smart-card stored
* photos, text and graphics up on a screen.
# With the Universal Biometric Card, motorists in Chinese provinces will be
# required to carry the smart cards like a personal driver's license. When
# being stopped for a traffic violation, the driver would have to forward
# the smart card to the traffic cop who would use a card reader/writer to
# access information stored in the card, issue an electronic ticket right on
# the spot with the fines and other information embedded into the smart card
# chip itself. When the driver goes to the bank to pay his/her fines, the
# penalty will be deducted from the memory chip.
Our Military contractors are making money issuing China citizens a National
ID Card??? Our we thinking of what the Communists will do with it???
* "China Tells Internet Users To Register With Police"
* The Ne
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
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