Re: Why do British hate american culture?
On Fri, 09 Jan 2004 07:12:44 -0800, Attila the Hun
<> wrote:
>>>>>>>Had the Asters out to 130mph last week, but that was just on one's
>>>>>>>driveway, so it's not a true indication.
>>>>>>So it was you I passed in my 72 Crown Vic. I thought it was the Geiko
>>>>>Was I wearing a cravat and sporting a pipe?
>>>>I thought there was a law against driving one without the requsite
>> attire.
>>>>Was it a tartin cravat or a yellow one?
>>>Neither, obviously! One is not given to wearing ostentatious cravats.
>>>Powder blue, or beige show the nature of a proper chap.
>> How perfectly boring!
>I doubt it. Nothing about JJD could ever be perfect.
One certainly hopes not. It is the slight imperfections that give
interest and character.
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