Re: international postal money orders
"Stuart McGraw" <> wrote in message news:<4134af10$0$200$>...
> Anyone here have any experience with international
> postal money orders in Japan? I understand I can
> buy a $700 (max) imo here in the US and exchange
> it for yen at a Japanese post office? Will Japanese
> post office's do this happily, or just look at the form
> and scratch their head? What is the exchange rate
> (relative to bank rate you see on the internet/
> newspapers)?
From your other posts you seem to be wanting the cash for your own
needs. Why not just load the cash into your credit card account and
withdraw the cash when you get over here? You'll get a 1.5% cash
advance fee, but the exchange rate will be very close to the numbers
you see printed in the newspapers. All Japanese Post Office cash
machines take international Visa cards, I believe.
Doing it the other way round in Europe this summer, I got the market
rate of 133 to 135 yen to the Euro for both purchases and cash
advances, versus the 142 yen or so that we were charged at a Bureau Du
Change at the airport.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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