Re: Third paragraph
On Sun, 01 Jun 2003 23:05:42 +0900, Bryan Parker
<> gasped and wheezed:
>Eric Takabayashi <> said:
>>Bryan Parker wrote:
>>> Eric Takabayashi <> said:
>>> >Michael Cash wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> from the bottom:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> I don't believe I recall hearing that little nugget revealed before.
>>> >
>>> >You must be referring to the part about the expected pardon and the
>>> >money. I haven't heard about money either.
>>> Too many hanzis for one night Eric?
>>Most people read from the top.
>But,"17th paragraph from the top"? How many of us
>do you think would click on a link knowing that we
>were gonna have to use that much finger energy
>scrolling down 17 paragraphs?
Actually, Eric, I wanted to make sure Bryan saw it and I know he can't
count to 17. Well....he *can*, but not all at once.
Michael Cash
"I used to have a dog named Michael Cash."
Prof. Ernest T. Bass
Mount Pilot College
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