A new supermarket (part of the DOMY chain) has just opened up next
door to our campus. One down side is that I now have to update my
website. On the whole though it is pretty good (the supermarket, not
the web thingee), with lots of smelly european cheeses, wines nobody
else seems to be interested in, the usual belgian beer suspects and
the occasional loaf of dark "bread like" bread, amongst other things.
Naturally I wonder how long the good things will last????


Still no self-service checkout, or "7 items or less" cash register, so
even when I buy only 2 or 3 items I'm stuck between 3 or 4 baachans,
lining up in front of the 2 registers actually open (out of 8),
invariably manned? by another baaaaachaaan. Why oh why?