On Aug 2, 1:14 am, "John W." <worthj1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 28, 7:23 am, Declan Murphy <declan_mur...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > On Jul 27, 12:27 pm, JimBreen <jimbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > [Also posted on SLJ]
> > > As some of you know, I am carrying out research into ways
> > > of automatically identifying neologisms and other not-yet-in-
> > > dictionary terms. As part of this I am experimenting with a
> > > Machine Learning system which I am training to recognize the
> > > sorts of words and terms that are included in dictionaries...
> > Jim, I could post something like the following
> > Request from Jim Breen: Volunteers needed to mark possible dictionary
> > entries. FAQ & system athttp://tinyurl.com/3p3hln9
> > to about 1000 people on twitter. Should be easy to get volunteers.
> > Unless you can think of a better description (in 140 characters or
> > less).
> Sorry, Jim; I can't send out any Tweets because I have no fans on
> twitter. That's probably in part due to me not being a Twit, but
> that's debatable.
> John W.

Why aren't you on twitter John? It would seem perfect for you.