On Aug 26, 7:39 pm, chuckers <chucker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 9:13 am, Jim Breen <jimbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm 80:20  about Debito.  80% of the time I think he's making a fool
> > of himself, but 20% of the time I think he's saying and doing
> > things that I wish more gaigins would say and do. Often we bend
> > over backwards to accept and defend blatantly xenophobic
> > actions in the interest of having a quiet life and not making
> > a fuss.
> Not sure what my percentage would be.  I can agree with some of
> his message.  

I don't know if he still has his Yahoo group, but he used to revoke
membership of anyone who posted a dissenting or contrary opinion; I
can't stand closed minded people, and he's firmly in that camp. I
think every member of society has to bend a little to conform to that
society to some extent, even if it's your home country. But every rule
of society will not apply to every individual, and it definitely won't
if you consider yourself the white Rosa Parks of Nippon.

> But the way he CONVEYS the message just
> makes me wretch.  The amount of ego stroking and self congratulations
> on his site can cause brain rot.  It is too easy to him imagine
> stroking other things while he is reading the comments of his "fans."
I haven't read anything he's said in a long time; it went from "Hmmmm"
to "Hehe" to "hurl" fairly quickly.

John W.