We have a report from the fj.life.in-japan Dynamics Officer that CL has
exploded. Flight director confirms that:

>And now, for my next act, I will demonstrate the meaning of the British 
>term "technicolour yawn" using simple products that can be found in any 
>kitchen ... such as meat sauce spaghetti ...

"I haven't space here to deal with the minutia (e.g. Christopher's quick
remarriage, Noriko's $800,000 divorce award and ban on international travel,
both parents' dual U.S.-Japan citizenship , etc.)."

He DOESN'T HAVE SPACE? For the love of Cronkite, this "minutia" is what makes
the entire story. But no matter.

"I speak from personal experience: I too am divorced, and have zero contact with
my children. I've seen one of my daughters only once over the past five years."

*wet, horselike snorts of anguish* ((tm) Dave Barry)

The 2-Belo                           [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
alt.flame  alt.fan.karl-malden.nose  alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
meow                   a brimful of asha on a 45                    meow

"If you can't be good, be colorful." -- Pete Conrad