On Apr 1, 6:22 pm, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> chuckers wrote:
> > On Mar 31, 11:06 pm, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> Received this link on another list.  I got it to work in WIN and will
> >> try it in Linux soon.  Thought it might be of interest to other people
> >> who enjoy BBC content.
> >>http://bit.ly/dx4zCL
> >> or
> >>http://lifehacker.com/5504681/how-to-access-the-bbc-iplayer-and-tv-li...
> > It *is* interesting but the Internet is my Tivo.  As long as there are
> > torrents for what I like.
> > Will try to keep it in mind though.  Thanks!
> I have been disappointed by the quality of some torrents that I have
> D/L'ed, had credits stolen at some sites, and learned a lesson about
> some of them having trojans and trying to follow me home (ONE of the
> reasons my torrent box runs a *nix).

Of late, I have been D/L-ing on the Windows box and then transferring
the file to a
Mac OS X laptop so I can lounge about in the futon to watch rather
than sitting in front
of the computer screen.  I also refuse to download RAR saved files
anymore.  Too much
of a pain to assemble anyway.

I am not much of a quality snob as long as it is at least reasonably
viewable with
only a minimal amount of droppage.  End credits are nice for some
things but not
a requirement for me if they aren't cutting out anything special.

Oh, wait, you mean something else.  The site I usually frequent
doesn't have a ratio
requirement and is pretty much open.  But mostly US based with
occasional UK based