On 30 Mar 2004 06:56:11 -0800, kaz762@hotmail.com (Kaz) wrote:

>Christopher Morton <cmort@cox.net> wrote in message news:<326i60lb2vjdm88smihlfp3fkcs58rd0au@4ax.com>...
>> On 29 Mar 2004 18:33:42 -0800, kaz762@hotmail.com (Kaz) wrote:
>> >Christopher Morton <cmort@cox.net> wrote in message news:<sjig60l8j1gegqho1v0pif0ehebo5b5549@4ax.com>...
>> >> On 29 Mar 2004 08:03:17 -0800, kaz762@hotmail.com (Kaz) wrote:
>> >> 
>> >> >"madamoiselle blobois" <blobois@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:3eb7bef3.0403261743.43f9ddf2@posting.google.com...
>> >> >> superoutland@aol.com (SuperOutland) wrote in message news:<e91ad9af.0403252139.53078b8c@posting.google.com>...
>> >> >> it was a condescending but was said to explain the rise of japanese
>> >> >> militarism, not to insult the japanese. japanese did feel insulted
>> >> >> however.
>> >> >
>> >> >No worry, the Japanese are/were laughing at MacArthur, who showed his
>> >> >personal "slave-blood attitude" hating the feudal world. I mean those
>> >> >"mac" people really hate that feudal imperilalism, especially those of
>> >> >Britain.
>> >> >
>> >> >Funny thing is, MacArthur despised Japanese as "12 year-old" and he
>> >> >praised Germans, who are the Irish's friends, but he was surely one of
>> >> >those slave-blood "mac" people who couldn't resist their master of
>> >> >English, means the King of England. MacArthur hesitated to execute the
>> >> >emperor Hirohito just because Hirohito was like one of his masters in
>> >> >England. He respected Hirohito, as well as his "mac" people had been
>> >> >trained to respect English for many centuries.
>> >> 
>> >> If you're going to sniff glue, might I recommend a higher grade of
>> >> glue?
>> >
>> >If you're smoking a weed, I also suggest you to get one of the higher
>> >grades because it seems you get sick of smoking weeds picked up in
>> >your backyard.
>> See what I mean?
>I don't need to talk with the chink-loving and self-loathing democrats.

Sorry, haven't been a Democrat since 1980.

I'm quite fond of myself actually... mostly on account of how much
better than you I am.

More blood for oil... in my name!