Re: Marriage
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 20:17:10 GMT, "necoandjeff" <>
brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>Guus Veldhuis wrote:
>> is there anybody in this group married to aJapanese woman? If you
>> decide to marry is there a lot of paperwork connected with it?
>> Thanks, Guus
>Yes, there are plenty, but hopefully none who will insult the dignity of
>their marriage by answering your silly questions and helping you with your
>ridiculous plan...
I think you're giving him a hell of a ration of assholery. What is
silly about his questions? And in what way would answering them insult
the dignity of our own marriages?
Michael Cash
"Clowns to the left of me and jokers to the right, Mr. Cash.
Clowns and jokers."
Prof. Ernest T. Bass
Mount Pilot College
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