"Shoko Asahara" <shoko@aumshinrikyo.jp> wrote in message news:<xZxgd.13810$ta5.5077@newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net>...
> Letter to Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
> Pyongyang, September 6, 2004 (KCNA) - The DPRK Society for Human Rights 
> Studies and the Central Committee of the DPRK Red Cross Society on 
> August 28 sent a letter to the Office of the United Nations High 
> Commissioner for Human Rights complaining to it about the criminal 
> actions taken by the U.S. and south Korean authorities to abduct DPRK 
> citizens and take them to south Korea under the mask of "defectors."  
> The south Korean authorities perpetrated such terrorism as alluring and 
> abducting 468 DPRK citizens in broad daylight and taking them to south 
> Korea under the mask of "defectors from the north" in two batches on 
> July 27 and 28, the letter said, and continued: 

Society for Human Rights Studies in DPRK?  Human Rights Studies in
DPRK?  Central Committee of the DPRK Red Cross Society?  What is DPRK 
in the first place?