Michael Cash <buggeroff@fake.com> wrote in message news:<bdqi50dloscg6mepl1g2i6vgpocuemojp5@4ax.com>...
> On 17 Mar 2004 22:16:28 -0800, ebeldamasta@yahoo.com (tulus) brought
> down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
> >currently i live at shirakawa - fukushima
> >i am curious about hobby shop location near me
> >from long time i want to buy some rc car but i can't find
> >any hobby shop near me
> >
> >can anyone help me find hobby shop location in fukushima area
> >or better in shirakawa ?
> >any clue will be appreciated , even kanji writing for a hobby shop
> Try this place:
> (?L)?N?j?C?$(D??(B?^
> ?????$B!x(B???$(D??(B?s?$(D??(B?$(D??(B?$B"L(B25-40  961-0075
> phone: 0248-27-2434
> fax: 0248-27-2434
> Closed 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
> Or here's another shop in Shirakawa, this one with a net presence:
> http://www.shirakawa.ne.jp/~koba/
> You're welcome.
> --
> Michael Cash
> "I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
> a high school transcript."
>                            Dr. Howard Sprague
>                            Dean of Admissions
>                            Mount Pilot College

thanks a lot for the information
i will try to get something this weekend
:) had to translate first , i don't read kanji that much
btw , my pc can't read those kanji letter in your message
i used a japan version pc but somehow it doesn't read them
any clue ?