Re: Another Trip to Japan
gtr <xxx@yyy.zzz> wrote:
> On 2014-09-06 16:16:52 +0000, said:
>>> But I really meant in the last days days somewhere in the semi-coastal
>>> area between Kyoto and Tokyo; generally in *that* part of the country.
>>> Nikko? Izu peninnsula.
> The first week of the trip we're in Tokyo and have considered Nikko as a
> day trip. This afternoon we booked the last 4 nights of that period in
> Shimodo on Izu Peninsula, and the first two nights at Koya-San. That
> leaves the five days in between. We'll have spent a big hunk of the time
> in Kobe and Kyoto so we're reluctant to plunk down in Nagoya, which seems
> to have a lot of lookee-loo stuff. We may try to go to a quiet smaller
> place, a no-place-in-particular burg; but you can see how they are hard to identify...
Have you considered Soga, the armpit of Chiba?
Seriously, Nokogiriyama is close enough to Tokyo either via driving or
train to make an interesting daytrip.
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