"John R. Yamamoto- Wilson" <john@rarebooksinjapan.com> wrote in message news:<bebra9$ja$1@kanna.cc.sophia.ac.jp>...
> > I don't care about their new generation's angry so much, over half of
> > which was made by their ideological and biased school textbooks,
> > government's propaganda, great persistence (by cloves of Korean
> > garlic) and masochistic mentality.
> You're not paying attention, Masayuki. The people who were angry 60 years
> later were people who were themselves prisoners of the Japanese 60 years
> ago. Textbooks, propaganda and masochism have nothing to do with it.

Sorry about that.  I thought that Eric were talking about Korean and
Chinese.  I am using 'Google' for posting a message, so I may miss
some articles due to its inconvenience of handling.  Sorry in advance.
