Photos from Seiko Noda's 15th anniversary party at the Gifu Memorial Center this

The 2-Belo                           [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
alt.flame  alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk

" of these days yer gonna fuckup and yer gonna wind up with yer   
real name, address and phone number plastered all over the grid...and   
then what?  You gonna go whine that it's not fair?  You gonna whine that
you only meant the shit you said when you thought you could hide? Your  
physical 'real life' means just as much online as it does in the 'real  
world', so if you can't back yer shit up with physical superiority...   
man you best keep yer mouth shut, cause I've known more than a few tards
who wound up gettin the shit beat out of them cause they went running at
the mouth online..."

-- Matthew "Onideus 'Jamos Ludbunski' Mad Hatter" Moulton,    
   showing me the severed heads of his rivals and watching me 
   in the eye of the tiger, in 