(IV$(D??(BN): ROCA SALVADORA, llen$(D??(Bndote a ti est$(D??(B hoy con Gloria de siempre: Oc$(D??(Banos de su AMOR INFALIBLE te entrega, una vez bautizado en agua:
S$(D??(Bbado, 28 de Marzo, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoam$(D??(Brica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo)
ROCA SALVADORA, llen$(D??(Bndote a ti est$(D??(B hoy con Gloria de siempre: Oc$(D??(Banos de su AMOR INFALIBLE te entrega, una vez bautizado en agua:
Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba tener a su roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn instalada en Cana$(D??(Bn, bendiciendo no solamente a Abraham su siervo, pero igualmente a sus hijos viviendo en futuras generaciones, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl finalmente entregarles a las familias de las naciones su vida eterna en toda la tierra, viviendo con $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo su gozo de cada d$(D??(Ba. Aqu$(D??(B es cuando, nuestro Padre celestial encontr$(D??(B a Abraham listo para recibir su roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn para conducir tres carneros sacrificados con sus mitades opuestas una a otra junto con dos aves sin cortar, salpicados con sangre expiatoria, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl derramar de su vida eterna victoriosa sobre Satan$(D??(Bs, el infierno y la muerte perpetuamente sobre el monte santo de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, en Cana$(D??(Bn.
Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba su vida eterna victoriosa sobre Satan$(D??(Bs y los $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos junto con la muerte eternamente derrotado con uno de los hijos de Abraham, finalmente vivi$(D??(Bndola victoriosamente por todo Cana$(D??(Bn para conquistar el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, convirti$(D??(Bndola en su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo con vida eterna para sus hijos exclusivamente, bautizados en agua, para la eternidad. Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba conquistar la tierra primero con los hijos de Abraham prometidos a $(D??(Bl en Cana$(D??(Bn, empezando con su hijo amado Isaac, porque cada hijo suyo necesitaba renacer en Cana$(D??(Bn, para que finalmente sean todos ellos sus hijos en la tierra, viviendo su vida eterna con su Hijo Jesucristo junto con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo como en la gloria celestial.
Ahora, nuestro Padre celestial para conquistar el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, entonces, $(D??(Bl tenia que derrotar a Satan$(D??(Bs junto con los $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, la muerte y el infierno, y este fue el Valle de los huesos secos, esperando por Israel a que descienda con la roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn, salpicada con sangre expiatoria, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl mismo declarar la tierra entera: tierra santa, perpetuamente. Por eso, es que fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial sentarse con Abraham junto con sus 318 hijos adoptados, comprados con dinero de extra$(D??(Bos, a su Mesa santa para comer del pan y vino que $(D??(Bnicamente su Hijo Jesucristo, como rey de Salem y como su Justicia eterna, le sirve a los $(D??(Bngeles del cielo y a los hombres de la tierra.
Legalmente, para nuestro Padre celestial introducir su vida eterna en cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de las familias de las naciones, entonces, $(D??(Bl tenia que sentarse a su Mesa santa con Abraham y su familia para comer del pan y vino, servido diariamente por su Hijo Jesucristo para que los $(D??(Bngeles vivan en perfecta santidad siempre, pero igualmente para la humanidad entera $(D??(Bltimamente. Ciertamente, para que la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial sea parte de cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de las familias de las naciones, entonces, t$(D??(B tienes que sentarte con $(D??(Bl a comer del pan y vino de tu mesa hogare$(D??(Ba: servida diariamente en la gloria angelical para todo aquel que quiera comer de $(D??(Bl, y as$(D??(B, todos vivan por siempre bendecidos.
Entendiendo que, esta es la perfecta voluntad de nuestro Padre celestial sobre todo Cana$(D??(Bn ya presente, conquistando el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, como un vientre est$(D??(Bril, as$(D??(B sin vida como el vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah sin darle jam$(D??(Bs su hijo (Isaac, Israel) a Abraham, y nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a sus hijos renacidos nuevamente con su vida eterna—pero de un vientre virgen. Y este vientre virgen necesitaba darles vida a sus hijos nuevamente, entonces, $(D??(Bl tenia que conquistar el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra con los hijos de Abraham, viviendo en generaciones postreras, empezando con su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah, por poderes del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo: y as$(D??(B, sus hijos nazcan nuevamente, pero con su vida eterna del vientre virgen de Cana$(D??(Bn.
Ahora, para nuestro Padre celestial tener establecida su vida eterna con Abraham y su familia, entonces, $(D??(Bl tenia que tener a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah, por su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl vivir su vida eterna sobre la tierra finalmente, luego llevarla hacia la gloria celestial para vivirla continuamente con su familia divina y sus huestes angelicales. Realmente, al nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo nacer del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah como Isaac, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces, nuestro Padre celestial derram$(D??(B riquezas saturando a todo Cana$(D??(Bn con ellas, porque $(D??(Bl estaba por convertir el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra como el suyo en su pecho, sant$(D??(Bsimo, para que sus hijos juntos con la tierra renazcan en su nuevo reino, en un solo d$(D??(Ba, $(D??(Bltimamente.
Puesto que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba vivir su vida eterna con Abraham y con su familia, como Sarah y sus hijos adoptado, vecinos y amistades de cerca y de lejos, porque $(D??(Bl necesitaba ser el primero en gozarse de las riquezas de la gloria celestial en Cana$(D??(Bn, torn$(D??(Bndolo as$(D??(B en su dulzura para con la humanidad entera por toda la tierra, perpetuamente. Sin embargo, para nuestro Padre celestial hacerlo posible en Cana$(D??(Bn y en la tierra, entonces, $(D??(Bl tornar$(D??(Ba el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra como su mismo coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo y lleno de su amor infalible, riquezas, poderes y glorias interminables, honor$(D??(Bndolo $(D??(Bnicamente a $(D??(Bl junto con su santo nombre sobre el monte Sion, pero igualmente a sus hijos bautizados en agua ya—como t$(D??(B hoy.
Seguramente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial llamar a Abraham con su $(D??(Bnico hijo Isaac al monte Sion, descansando sobre el Moriah, porque $(D??(Bl ten$(D??(Ba que empezar el primer sacrificio del cordero de la tierra hacia la gloria celestial, que fue su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac, ofreciendo aromas de victorias eternas sobre toda la tierra finalmente para las nuevas glorias de su reino venidero. Empero, antes que nuestro Padre celestial bautice a todas las familias de las naciones, entonces, $(D??(Bl tenia que tener no solamente a su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac en Cana$(D??(Bn por el vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah para destruir el pecado en el bautismo del Mar Rojo, pero igualmente, tenerlo a $(D??(Bl (Isaac) renaciendo del vientre virgen de Cana$(D??(Bn, sellando as$(D??(B la destrucci$(D??(Bn del pecado eternamente.
Verdaderamente, aunque su Hijo Jesucristo naci$(D??(B del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah como Isaac en Cana$(D??(Bn, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces, los hijos de Abraham necesitaban nacer lejos de Cana$(D??(Bn, recogiendo pecados de las naciones del pasado y del futuro, cometidos en contra de $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, destruy$(D??(Bndolos as$(D??(B finalmente en su bautismo en agua lejos de Egipto. Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba la carne sagrada con los huesos inquebrantables y la sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo victoriosa sobre toda vida humana, viviendo $(D??(Bl su vida eterna con Abraham y sus amados, porque postreramente: recogiendo pecados de toda la tierra en el cautiverio egipcio, entonces, $(D??(Bl hizo de la carne sagrada victoriosa sobre todo pecado por el bautismo en agua.
Entonces, una vez Israel antiguo fue bautizado en el Mar Rojo, abandonando no solamente los pecados de las familias de las naciones en el lecho marino, pero igualmente, abandonaron la carne pecadora y el esp$(D??(Britu de error por la carne sagrada y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, convirti$(D??(Bndose as$(D??(B en ciudadanos leg$(D??(Btimos de Cana$(D??(Bn para ejecutar milagros cotidianos de nuestro Padre celestial en la tierra siempre. Por ende, nuestro Padre celestial ha hecho que la carne sagrada y su sangre expiatoria sean a prueba de pecados, porque no solamente recogi$(D??(B pecados de las familias de las naciones de la humanidad entera, pero igualmente, los abandonaron en el bautismo eterno, para que cada uno de sus hijos se vista de gloria sin efecto alguno del pecado por toda la eternidad venidera.
Es decir, tambi$(D??(Bn que al nuestro Padre celestial tener la carne sagrada, los huesos inquebrantables y la sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo a prueba de pecado en Cana$(D??(Bn, entonces, $(D??(Bl puede llamar a todo hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de las familias de las naciones al bautismo en agua, vistiendo su cuerpo glorificado, y as$(D??(B, sean todos ellos eternamente enriquecidos cada d$(D??(Ba. Realmente, cuando nuestro Padre celestial vivi$(D??(B con Abraham y sus amados, como Sarah junto con sus hijos adoptados, vecinos y amistades de cerca y de lejos, entonces, $(D??(Bl fue complacido en su vida eterna que fue perfectamente vivida por la carne sagrada de su Hijo Jesucristo con todos alrededor de $(D??(Bl, aprob$(D??(Bndola as$(D??(B para que ascienda a la gloria celestial, cuando fuese necesario.
Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial tenia que no solamente vivir con la carne sagrada y la sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo con Abraham y con sus amados junto con poderes del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo en Cana$(D??(Bn, aprob$(D??(Bndola $(D??(Bl finalmente, para vivirla $(D??(Bl tambi$(D??(Bn en la gloria celestial, porque $(D??(Bl necesita que sus hijos regresen a su vida eterna—s$(D??(Blo en la carne de su Hijo. Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial desea que su vida eterna sea vivida en la gloria celestial por la carne sagrada de su Hijo Jesucristo victoriosa sobre Satan$(D??(Bs, los $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos y la muerte en cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel y de las naciones, pero bautizados en agua, y as$(D??(B, ellos renazcan enriquecidos con poderes y glorias interminables de Cana$(D??(Bn para siempre.
Ya que, esta es la carne sagrada con sus huesos inquebrantables junto con la sangre expiatoria, que es compatible con su vida eterna, pero igualmente, con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, por ende las huestes angelicales est$(D??(Bn felices, observando a cada hijo suyo regresar a la vida eterna, bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, entrando as$(D??(B eternamente enriquecido en Cana$(D??(Bn ahora mismo. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial ha llamado a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba con las naciones, empezando con Israel, a que sean bautizados en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, renaciendo as$(D??(B todos ellos en Cana$(D??(Bn y en la carne sagrada, en donde el pecado no existe en la eternidad, empezando hoy contigo tambi$(D??(Bn—bautizado.
Visto que, este es su Hijo Jesucristo que ha derrotado a Satan$(D??(Bs, los $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos junto con la muerte en su cuerpo glorificado, que es la carne sagrada junto con la sangre expiatoria, que t$(D??(B heredaras, cuando t$(D??(B seas bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B vivas con $(D??(Bl siempre, gozando de toda riqueza cotidiana de Cana$(D??(Bn. Actualmente, nuestro Padre celestial vivir$(D??(B su vida eterna contigo, tus amados, vecinos y amistades que ha vencido a Satan$(D??(Bs, los $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos y la muerte no solamente en Cana$(D??(Bn, pero igualmente en tu pa$(D??(Bs de origen, porque $(D??(Bl necesita transferir su gloria celestial a tu hogar, barrio, lugar de trabajo y en toda tu naci$(D??(Bn, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B conozcas su pasi$(D??(Bn por ti progresivamente.
Sin embargo, nuestro Padre celestial tiene que ejecutar su voluntad perfecta con cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel y de las naciones, pero primero bautizados en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, como el Dios de Abraham, el Dios de Isaac y el Dios de Jacobo, y as$(D??(B, riquezas cananeas fluyan en ti, en tu hogar y en tus amados. Por cuanto, si nuestro Padre celestial puede vivir su vida eterna con Abraham y con sus amados en su hogar junto con su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac y con poderes del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo en todo Cana$(D??(Bn, entonces, $(D??(Bl puede igualmente vivir contigo, tus amados, vecinos y amistades en tu tierra natal, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl te enriquecer$(D??(B, como jam$(D??(Bs has conocido riquezas antes.
Dado que, si nuestro Padre celestial realmente puede vivir con cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel y de las naciones, renacidos del bautismo en agua, caminando diariamente con $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu en Cana$(D??(Bn, llena de la gloria angelical y riquezas interminables, entonces, $(D??(Bl te habr$(D??(B conquistado a ti junto con la tierra entera para su reino venidero. Entendiendo que, si nuestro Padre celestial puede vivir contigo junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades en la carne sagrada de su Hijo Jesucristo, que ha derrotado a Satan$(D??(Bs, los $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, la muerte y al mundo entero, entonces, $(D??(Bl establecer$(D??(B La Nueva Jerusal$(D??(Bn celestial en Cana$(D??(Bn, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B vivirla enteramente, goz$(D??(Bndote de sus glorias inagotables, poderes y riquezas por una eternidad entera.
Ya que, esta es la $(D??(Bnica manera posible hoy, que nuestro Padre celestial no solamente derrotara a Satan$(D??(Bs, los $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, la muerte y cada enemigo en ti y en tus amados, vecinos y amistades de cerca y de lejos, porque t$(D??(B te habr$(D??(Bs bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre todopoderoso, clavado al madero sobre el monte Sion, en Cana$(D??(Bn. Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial necesita derrotar a Satan$(D??(Bs, los $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, la muerte y cada enemigo en tu camino por su santo nombre fuegos y poderes cotidianos, clavado al madero del monte Sion, en Cana$(D??(Bn, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl cantar victoria sobre todos tus enemigos, mientras t$(D??(B vives tu vida gloriosa, enriqueci$(D??(Bndote a ti, a tus amados, vecinos y amistades toda una vida entera.
Actualmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesita derrotar a sus enemigos de siempre, como Satan$(D??(Bs, los $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, la muerte y todo enemigo, como pobreza en todos tus d$(D??(Bas, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl los destruy$(D??(B con la vida de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo por todo Cana$(D??(Bn, y as$(D??(B, su perfecta voluntad brille en ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades del mundo entero. Realmente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial, despu$(D??(Bs de que Abraham hab$(D??(Ba vivido su vida eterna y llena de su amor infalible, gozos, poderes y felicidades sin fin con su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac y poderes del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces $(D??(Bl lo llam$(D??(B al monte Sion, en el Moriah, ofreciendo as$(D??(B a su nuevo amor eterno en su hijo amado hacia $(D??(Bl, en el cielo.
Ciertamente, este es el amor infalible de nuestro Padre celestial que Abraham junto con otros recibi$(D??(B de la roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn primero, am$(D??(Bndole a $(D??(Bl y a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, caminando hacia el monte Sion, sobre el Moria, finalmente ofreciendo a su hijo Isaac, como ofrenda encendida hacia la gloria celestial perpetuamente. Ya que, esta fue una ofrenda incendiada importante de su hijo Isaac, que Abraham necesitaba ofrece hacia nuestro Padre celestial en la gloria celestial, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl sea misericordioso hacia $(D??(Bl y sus amados, incluyendo las familias de las naciones yaciendo ya en el infierno tormentoso en necesidad de ser liberados del pecado, que los hab$(D??(Ban llevados a ellos all$(D??(B, eternamente condenados.
Consiguientemente, nuestro Padre celestial derram$(D??(B sobre Isaac su amor infalible de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo por sus hijos yaciendo ya en el infierno tormentoso, muertos, sin poderes y eternamente condenados para jam$(D??(Bs vivir nuevamente sobre la tierra, porque ellos hab$(D??(Ban sido negligentes con el bautismo en agua para invocar su santo nombre, haci$(D??(Bndolos renacer para escapar de Satan$(D??(Bs, muerte, pecados y de la perdici$(D??(Bn eterna. Aqu$(D??(B es cuando: Nuestro Padre celestial derram$(D??(B su amor infalible, nacido de su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo por sus hijos yaciendo ya en el infierno tormentoso junto con sus hijos viviendo en generaciones venideras, camino hacia la perdici$(D??(Bn eterna igualmente, por ende, $(D??(Bl tenia que derramar su perfecta voluntad hacia ellos finalmente, salv$(D??(Bndolos con su amor infalible, poderes, glorias y riquezas insondables de Cana$(D??(Bn de hoy.
Amorosamente, nuestro Padre celestial y su Hijo Jesucristo viviendo como Isaac con Abraham y Sarah junto con los hijos adoptados, entonces, $(D??(Bl aprendi$(D??(B no solamente que necesitaba rescatar a sus hijos yaciendo en el infierno con carne sagrada y sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo victoriosa sobre la muerte perpetuamente, pero igualmente, $(D??(Bl necesitaba aprender a vivir con ellos riquezas cotidianas de su nueva tierra. Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba aprender de sus hijos, quienes de ellos lo amar$(D??(Ba por medio de la carne sagrada de su Hijo Jesucristo, nacido del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah como Isaac, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl permitirles entrar en su nueva tierra, su nuevo reino, lleno de su amor infalible por sus hijos siempre, conquistando nuevas glorias jam$(D??(Bs antes conocidas.
Es decir, tambi$(D??(Bn que nuestro Padre celestial al vivir su vida eterna nacida por Abraham por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac, que vivi$(D??(B con $(D??(Bl y con Sarah su esposa, entonces, $(D??(Bl puede vivirla ahora mismo enteramente con cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel y de las familias de las naciones tambi$(D??(Bn por muchas generaciones venideras. Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial pudo derramar su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo sobre Isaac, cuando Abraham lo tend$(D??(Ba sobre el madero del monte Sion, descansando sobre el Moriah, porque $(D??(Bl ya hab$(D??(Ba enteramente expiado, juzgado y cubierto cada pecado de las familias de las naciones del pasado y del futuro con la sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo victoriosa sobre la muerte en Cana$(D??(Bn finalmente perpetuamente.
Adem$(D??(Bs, este es el Juramento de Isaac que nuestro Padre celestial lo derram$(D??(B enteramente sobre el cuerpo fr$(D??(Bgil de Isaac, como el cordero de Abraham yaciendo sobre el monte Sion, descansando sobre el Moriah, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl (Abraham) sea declarado Justo eternamente, para que Jacobo nazca junto con sus hijos, recogiendo pecados de las naciones: finalmente destruy$(D??(Bndolos en el bautismo en agua del Mar Rojo. Leg$(D??(Btimamente, nuestro Padre celestial con su Juramento a Isaac, derramado sobre el cuerpo fr$(D??(Bgil de Isaac y su altar del monte Sion junto con todo Cana$(D??(Bn, como su dulce hogar, entonces, $(D??(Bl puede declarar a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel y de las naciones Justos eternamente, y as$(D??(B, ellos adquieran su vida eterna, eternamente justificados, enriquecidos y bendecidos por una eternidad entera.
Legalmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesita tener a cada uno de Israel y de las naciones, bautizados en agua primero, antes de ascender al monte Sion, en Cana$(D??(Bn, con su santo nombre fuegos clavado al madero, en donde su Hijo Jesucristo naci$(D??(B inicialmente como Isaac, que finalmente ha derramado su sangre expiatoria con vida eterna victoriosa sobre Satan$(D??(Bs, la muerte y el infierno para siempre. Visto que, esta es la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, que $(D??(Bl ya se la entreg$(D??(B no solamente a Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva junto con los hijos viviendo en generaciones venideras, que necesitaba derrotar mentiras, maldiciones, enfermedades, pobreza, infierno y muerte, pero igualmente la tierra entera, convirtiendo su coraz$(D??(Bn, como el suyo en su pecho, sant$(D??(Bsimo, derramando $(D??(Bltimamente sangre expiatoria sobre la cruz.
Ciertamente, desde que Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva junto con sus hijos murieron, mat$(D??(Bndolos su propia sangre con el fruto prohibido, del $(D??(Brbol de la ciencia y del bien junto con el esp$(D??(Britu de error, entonces, Isaac renaci$(D??(B, como nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo, para derramar de su sangre expiatoria, restaurando as$(D??(B toda vida eterna en Cana$(D??(Bn perpetuamente, conociendo $(D??(Bnicamente: amor, paz, prosperidad y riquezas insondables. Por ende, nuestro Padre celestial pude recibir ahora mismo cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel y de las naciones, bautizados en agua, primeramente, invocando la santidad perfecta de su nombre, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, declar$(D??(Bndolos $(D??(Bl mismo a cada uno de ellos Justos y Santos eternamente sobre el monte Sion, en Cana$(D??(Bn, y as$(D??(B, ellos vivan nuevamente—perpetuamente justificados.
Por eso, es que los hijos de Abraham nacieron en Egipto, recogiendo cada pecado del pasado y del futuro, para luego ellos llevarlos con su santo nombre fuegos, como el Dios de Abraham, el Dios de Isaac y el Dios de Jacobo a abandonarlos enteramente en el bautismo del Mar Rojo, para jam$(D??(Bs volverlos a ver nuevamente en vida, para siempre. Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial jam$(D??(Bs pudo haber tenido a Israel antiguo naciendo en Cana$(D??(Bn, porque es tierra santa en donde $(D??(Bl estableci$(D??(B su perfecta voluntad enteramente, como el Juramento a Isaac: ya expiando, juzgando, perdonando y cubriendo cada pecado cometido en contra de $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo por cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel y de las naciones.
Dado que, nuestro Padre celestial hab$(D??(Ba tornado toda tierra de Cana$(D??(Bn en su voluntad perfecta, as$(D??(B como el para$(D??(Bso y La Nueva Jerusal$(D??(Bn celestial de arriba el cielo lo son en la eternidad con su Hijo Jesucristo, el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, las huestes angelicales y cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba que han sido salvados ya, bautizados en agua en generaciones pasadas, y hasta hoy. Legalmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Cana$(D??(Bn establecida, como su perfecta voluntad sobre la tierra con su Hijo Jesucristo, su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, las huestes angelicales y todos de Israel y de las naciones, bautizados en agua, renacidos milagrosamente, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre fuegos, clavado ya al madero del monte Sion, y as$(D??(B, ellos sean declarados: justos, salvos, bendecidos y enriquecidos siempre.
En otras palabras, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba la tierra llena de su perfecta voluntad, como el para$(D??(Bso y La Nueva Jerusal$(D??(Bn celestial han sido en la eternidad junto con otros lugares celestiales; consiguientemente, $(D??(Bl tenia que tener a su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sarah, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, facilitando su carne sagrada a la humanidad entera, haci$(D??(Bndolo as$(D??(B todo posible $(D??(Bltimamente. Es decir, que cuando cada uno de Israel y de las naciones se ha bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces, la carne pecadora y el esp$(D??(Britu de error desaparecen por la carne sagrada y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entrando as$(D??(B a Cana$(D??(Bn: eternamente justificados, enriquecidos, bendecidos con su voluntad perfecta, sellada en ellos siempre.
Aqu$(D??(B es cuando, aquel (t$(D??(B) ha sido bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre todopoderoso, clavado al madero del monte Sion, en Cana$(D??(Bn, entonces, t$(D??(B caminaras con nuestro Padre celestial y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo por todo Cana$(D??(Bn: conociendo amor, poder, riquezas, prosperidad y felicidad sin fin: porque el pecado falla en existir en Cana$(D??(Bn para toda la tierra, para siempre. Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial ha vaciado su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo sobre el cuerpo sagrado y sangre expiatoria de Isaac, llena de su vida eterna, estableci$(D??(Bndola en Cana$(D??(Bn y as$(D??(B exista siempre en ella para ti: Y t$(D??(B bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad, has empezando a vivirla enteramente con $(D??(Bl, bendiciendo as$(D??(B tu pa$(D??(Bs y toda familia igualmente, enriqueci$(D??(Bndolas cotidianamente de glorias celestiales siempre.
Es decir, que nuestro Padre celestial al tener cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba, invocando su santo nombre fuegos junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, sumergi$(D??(Bndose en agua, para luego emerger instant$(D??(Bneamente en Cana$(D??(Bn, caminando con nuestro Padre celestial y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo juntos cada d$(D??(Ba, entonces, sus pa$(D??(Bses natales ser$(D??(Bn enriquecidos, as$(D??(B como Cana$(D??(Bn lo es para siempre. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesita transferir desde el para$(D??(Bso, La Nueva Jerusal$(D??(Bn celestial y de otros lugares celestiales su perfecta voluntad ya derramada sobre su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, en Cana$(D??(Bn, pero igualmente, $(D??(Bl necesita transferir su voluntad perfecta en tu hogar y en toda familia mundialmente: justific$(D??(Bndolos, enriqueci$(D??(Bndolos y bendici$(D??(Bndolos a ellos con su dulce felicidad inagotable de siempre.
Es como cuando nuestro Padre celestial tuvo que haber tenido a todo Israel naciendo lejos de Cana$(D??(Bn, recogiendo pecados del mundo entero en Egipto, y luego de recoger cada pecado de las familias de las naciones, entonces, $(D??(Bl los bautiz$(D??(B a todos ellos del Mar Rojo, convirti$(D??(Bndolos en ciudadanos de Cana$(D??(Bn, para seguidamente trabajar con ellos por el desierto de Sina$(D??(B con sus riquezas. Ya que, si nuestro Padre celestial hubiese tenido a toda la casa de Israel naciendo en Cana$(D??(Bn primero, entonces, ellos hubiesen fallado en recoger los pecados del pasado y del futuro enteramente con poderes del Juramento a Isaac, para abandonarlos en el bautismo del Mar Rojo y no volverlos a ver en ninguno de sus hijos, en toda la tierra, para siempre.
Por su Ley: Nuestro Padre celestial llam$(D??(B a Cana$(D??(Bn: Tierra hermosa del mundo entero, porque no hay otra igual a ella en toda su Creaci$(D??(Bn, tan bella como Cana$(D??(Bn es con su perfecta voluntad, puesto que, derram$(D??(B su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo enteramente en ella, para vivir con sus hijos, bautizados en agua de Israel y de las familias de las naciones, justific$(D??(Bndolos con $(D??(Bl siempre. Por ley, Cana$(D??(Bn es el dulce hogar de nuestro Padre celestial, por ende, es una tierra muy especial para $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo, su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo y cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba, incluyendo $(D??(Bngeles, para vivir con $(D??(Bl eternamente enriquecidos en su vida eterna, en donde no hay pecado jam$(D??(Bs; por eso, el pecado fallara en existir en Cana$(D??(Bn para la tierra, para siempre.
Por eso, Cana$(D??(Bn es compatible con el para$(D??(Bso, La Nueva Jerusal$(D??(Bn celestial y para todos de la gloria celestial, como nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo, su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, las huestes angelicales y cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel y de las naciones, bautizados en agua primero, invocando la santidad perfecta de su nombre todopoderoso, clavado a su cruz, en Cana$(D??(Bn. Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba trabajar con Israel antiguo por el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, como ciudadanos leg$(D??(Btimos de Cana$(D??(Bn, porque despu$(D??(Bs de conducir rituales y ceremonias de perfecta santidad del Juramento a Isaac, entonces, ellos necesitaban convertirse en una semilla con la humanidad entera en el infierno, renaciendo en Cana$(D??(Bn, como el $(D??(Brbol, la cruz, levantando su santo nombre fuegos, enriquecido para siempre.
Para nuestro Padre celestial: Abraham fue Ad$(D??(Bn, que $(D??(Bl necesitaba tener comiendo del pan de vida con $(D??(Bl junto con sus hijos adoptados, servida la Mesa santa por su Hijo Jesucristo, para que el vientre est$(D??(Bril sea de Eva, d$(D??(B vida a Isaac para que sus hijos renazcan nuevamente, pero del coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, como el vientre virgen de Cana$(D??(Bn. Y este fue Isaac nuevamente, renaciendo del vientre virgen de la hija de David, d$(D??(Bndonos al Rey Mes$(D??(Bas, como el pan y vino, que sus hermanos y hermanas de Israel yaciendo en el Valle de los huesos secos necesitaban comer junto con las naciones ya all$(D??(B: porque la virgen de Cana$(D??(Bn es Eva nuevamente, dando a luz a sus hijos (t$(D??(B) hoy, en perfecta santidad.
Ciertamente, Sarah es Eva de tierra pecadora, d$(D??(Bndonos hijos para renacer nuevamente luego, empezando con su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac, por el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, renaciendo inmediatamente de Eva de Cana$(D??(Bn, para$(D??(Bso moderno, como el Cordero de Dios, derramando su sangre expiatoria victoriosa sobre la muerte en sus hermanos y hermanas debajo de Cana$(D??(Bn, entreg$(D??(Bndoles a ellos vida eterna nuevamente—y a ti tambi$(D??(Bn hoy. Para nuestro Padre celestial: Sarah es Eva de tierra pecadora, d$(D??(Bndonos hijos, empezando con su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac, por su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, renaciendo nuevamente de la hija virgen de David en Cana$(D??(Bn, salpicando su sangre expiatoria victoriosa sobre la muerte en sus hermanos y hermanas, y as$(D??(B, el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra d$(D??(B a luz a ellos nuevamente con perfecta vida eterna perpetuamente.
En otras palabras, nuestro Padre celestial ha hecho compatible con su Juramento a Isaac a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel y de las naciones, bautizados en agua, invocando la santidad perfecta de su nombre todopoderoso, clavado a su cruz del monte Sion, en Cana$(D??(Bn, y esto es compatible con el para$(D??(Bso, La Nueva Jerusal$(D??(Bn celestial y todo lugar celestial del cielo arriba. Bien, as$(D??(B es como nuestro Padre celestial transfiri$(D??(B no solamente asombrosos poderes, riquezas y glorias del para$(D??(Bso, La Nueva Jerusal$(D??(Bn celestial y de todo lugar celestial hacia Cana$(D??(Bn, por el camino, la verdad y la vida del Juramento a Isaac, presentemente, $(D??(Bl est$(D??(B en necesidad de transferir: poderes, glorias y riquezas de Cana$(D??(Bn hacia cada naci$(D??(Bn, esparciendo as$(D??(B su nuevo reino de amor mundialmente.
Por eso, es que: cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel y de las naciones deben tener a cada uno de sus amados, vecinos y amistades bautizados en agua ya, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, y as$(D??(B, no solamente sus pa$(D??(Bses natales ser$(D??(Bn enriquecidas junto con todas sus familias, pero igualmente, cada criatura mundialmente. Considerando que, nuestro Padre celestial enriquecer$(D??(B y prosperar$(D??(B no solamente sus tierras natales, pero igualmente, cada planta, $(D??(Brbol y reino animal, llen$(D??(Bndolos de amor, gozo y felicidad, as$(D??(B como su paz se riega universalmente, porque, as$(D??(B como la gente siente amor, paz y felicidad—entonces, tambi$(D??(Bn la Creaci$(D??(Bn, tornando su coraz$(D??(Bn terrenal, como su mismo coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo, lleno de amor insondable por toda vida siempre.
Por eso, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial descender al coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, como el Valle de los huesos secos, con todo Israel antiguo, mordidos por serpientes venenosas, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl establecer su perfecta voluntad sobre voluntades de Satan$(D??(Bs y de la muerte, como su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo debajo de Cana$(D??(Bn, amando cada d$(D??(Ba a sus hijos, bautizados en agua en sus tierras natales. Es decir, tambi$(D??(Bn que el coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo de nuestro Padre celestial ha sido establecido debajo de Cana$(D??(Bn no solamente, como su nueva tierra, formando su nuevo reino de su amor eterno por sus hijos de Israel y de las familias de las naciones, pero igualmente, de las huestes angelicales, porque $(D??(Bl desciende pronto para poseer Cana$(D??(Bn, como su dulce hogar contigo por una eternidad.
Definitivamente, nuestro Padre celestial descender$(D??(B pronto con su Hijo Jesucristo, su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo y con cada familia de las naciones, en sus incontables millares, inicialmente bautizados en agua, por ende, ellos son salvos junto con millares de $(D??(Bngeles para vivir en su nueva tierra—su reino de amor sin fin, creado por ti para que lo ames hoy a $(D??(Bl—por toda una eternidad celestial. Ciertamente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial ejecutar sus rituales y ceremonias de perfecta santidad del Juramento a Isaac por todo el desierto del Sina$(D??(B con Israel antiguo, como sus sumos sacerdotes en la carne sagrada y su sangre expiatoria, que abandon$(D??(B enteramente el pecado del mundo entero en el Mar Rojo, para jam$(D??(Bs volverlo a ver otra vez para siempre.
Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial pate$(D??(B a Satan$(D??(Bs, sus $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos y la muerte, sac$(D??(Bndolos del coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl estableci$(D??(B su perfecta voluntad debajo de Cana$(D??(Bn, para seguir amando, sirviendo y alabando su santo nombre fuegos, clavado al madero del monte Sion, pero igualmente, recibe hoy familias de las naciones, bautizados en agua y con perfecta salvaci$(D??(Bn en su dulce hogar, Cana$(D??(Bn. Justamente: Nuestro Padre celestial ha pateado a Satan$(D??(Bs, los $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos y la muerte, sac$(D??(Bndolos del coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, debajo de Cana$(D??(Bn, para que su coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo siempre est$(D??(B all$(D??(B para recibirte a ti, bautizado en agua, en Cana$(D??(Bn y con su amor asombroso por ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades: pues t$(D??(B amaras con los tuyos su santo nombre fuegos siempre.
Ya que, Israel antiguo junto con nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo removi$(D??(B a Satan$(D??(Bs y la muerte del coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, estableciendo el coraz$(D??(Bn del Padre perpetuamente all$(D??(B, llen$(D??(B de amor por ti hoy, entonces, el sant$(D??(Bsimo entr$(D??(B a Cana$(D??(Bn $(D??(Bltimamente, enga$(D??(Bando, para establecer a Lucifer como rey de Israel, por brujer$(D??(Ba hecha de ellos, auto declar$(D??(Bndose as$(D??(B Jud$(D??(Bos. Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial ha deseado, desde aun antes de la fundaci$(D??(Bn del mundo, vivir su vida eterna con cada hijo suyo en Cana$(D??(Bn, bautizado en agua, invocando la santidad perfecta de su nombre todopoderoso, llen$(D??(B del Juramento a Isaac, empezando con Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva junto contigo, tus amados, vecinos y amistades de alrededor del mundo, hasta hoy.
Ciertamente, as$(D??(B fue como nuestro Padre celestial vivi$(D??(B su vida eterna con Abraham y Sarah junto con sus hijos adoptados, cuando su Hijo Jesucristo fue Isaac en la familia, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl pueda vivir su vida eterna con cada hijo suyo viviendo en generaciones futuras, pero igualmente, vivirla enteramente con las familias de las naciones por las riquezas cananeas, bendiciendo as$(D??(B sus pa$(D??(Bses natales progresivamente. Considerando que, nuestro Padre celestial ya ha enriquecido la tierra entera, cuando $(D??(Bl estableci$(D??(B su voluntad perfecta en su coraz$(D??(Bn, y as$(D??(B, Satan$(D??(Bs y la muerte falle en hacer su voluntad malvada sobre familias de las naciones, porque ellos est$(D??(Bn eternamente derrotados—por ende, $(D??(Bl (Satan$(D??(Bs) est$(D??(B viviendo sus $(D??(Bltimos d$(D??(Bas antes de entrar en el lago de fuego, la segunda muerte.
Amorosamente, la voluntad perfecta de nuestro Padre celestial est$(D??(B enteramente en el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, debajo de Cana$(D??(Bn, recibiendo as$(D??(B hijos de Israel y de las familias de las naciones, renacidos del bautismo en agua, para que ellos amen, sirvan y alaben su santo nombre fuegos sobre el monte Sion, bendici$(D??(Bndose as$(D??(B ellos mismos cada d$(D??(Ba con riquezas cananeas por toda la tierra. Entendiendo que, es la perfecta voluntad de nuestro Padre celestial, establecida en el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, como fundamento de Cana$(D??(Bn y de su nueva tierra; infaliblemente, su voluntad perfecta est$(D??(B establecida debajo del monte Sion, entonces, con sus hijos bautizados en agua, seguidamente $(D??(Bl puede expandirla en la tierra, bendiciendo toda alma viviente con perfecta santidad siempre, y hasta ver su reino venir.
Por lo tanto, una vez que t$(D??(B est$(D??(Bs bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces, la roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn ser$(D??(B parte de tu diario vivir en Cana$(D??(Bn, porque viene ella con Cana$(D??(Bn y sus riquezas cotidianas, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B vivas cada d$(D??(Ba enriquecido en tu pa$(D??(Bs natal y con todas las familias. Presentemente, este es el dulce hogar de nuestro Padre celestial junto con su roca salvadora, en donde bendito eres t$(D??(B desde antes de la fundaci$(D??(Bn del mundo, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B entres a Cana$(D??(Bn, gozando tu gloriosa vida eterna, que es su misma vida sant$(D??(Bsima, esperando por tu regreso a $(D??(Bl, como ahora mismo, llen$(D??(Bndote cada d$(D??(Ba de gozos, poderes y de dulzuras sin fin siempre. $(D??(BAm$(D??(Bn!
His ROCK of SALVATION fills YOU with Glory: oceans of His UNFAILING-LOVE, once baptized in water:
For our heavenly Father needed to have His rock of salvation installed within Canaan, blessing not only Abraham his servant but also His children living future generations thus He may finally grant the families of the nations His own eternal life throughout the earth, so they may live with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit His everyday joy. This is when, our heavenly Father found Abraham ready to receive His rock of salvation thus to conduct three lamb sacrifices that He needed with their halves opposing each other along with two uncut birds over it, spilled with atoning-blood, so He may spill His eternal life victorious over Satan, hell and death forever at Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, in Canaan.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed to spill His eternal life victorious over Satan and his fallen angels along with death eternally defeated with one of Abraham$B!G(Bs children finally living it victoriously throughout Canaan to conquer the earth$B!G(Bs heart, so it may become His holy heart filled with His eternal life for His children baptized in water only, for all eternity to come. For our heavenly Father needed to conquer the earth first with Abraham$B!G(Bs children promised to him throughout Canaan, beginning with his beloved son Isaac, because each of his children needed to be reborn in Canaan finally to become God$B!G(Bs child upon earth ready to live His eternal life along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in heaven$B!G(Bs glory.
Now, for our heavenly Father to conquer the earth$B!G(Bs heart, then, He had to defeat Satan along with the fallen angels and death in hell$B!G(Bs torment, and this was the earth$B!G(Bs hearth, where the Valley of the dried bones waited for Israel$B!G(Bs descend into it with the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood thus He may declare the entire earth holy ground forever. That is why, that it was very important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abraham along with 318 adoptive children, bought with money from outsiders, at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table to eat the bread and wine that only His Son Jesus Christ as king of Salem and His Righteousness upon earth can serve to angels in heaven and to men upon earth.
For our heavenly Father to introduce His eternal life into every man, woman and child from the families of the nations, then, He had to sit at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table with Abraham and his family to eat the bread and wine served daily by His Son Jesus Christ for the angels to live in perfect holiness always but also to humankind upon earth lastly. Surely, our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs eternal life to become part of every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, then, you have to sit with Him at your home$B!G(Bs table to eat the bread and wine with Him: served daily in heaven$B!G(Bs glory by His Son Jesus Christ to every one willing to eat it thus they may live forever blessed.
Understanding that, this is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs perfect will poured upon Canaan already, because He needed to conquer the earth$B!G(Bs heart that it was a barren-womb, just as dead and lifeless as Abraham$B!G(Bs wife Sarah$B!G(Bs womb unable to birth Abraham$B!G(Bs child, and so, our heavenly Father had to have His children reborn with His eternal life again—but from a virgin womb. For this virgin womb needed to give birth to His children, then, He had to conquer the earth$B!G(Bs heart with Abraham$B!G(Bs children living through generations, starting with His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers: and so, His children may be reborn again, but with His eternal life from a virgin womb from Canaan.
Now, for our heavenly Father to have established His eternal life with Abraham and his family, then, He had to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb, so He may live His eternal life upon earth finally later to take into heaven$B!G(Bs glory to live it continually with His divine family and the angelical hosts. Therefore, as our Lord Jesus Christ was born from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb as Isaac by His Spirit, then, our heavenly Father poured from heaven$B!G(Bs glory richness needed in Canaan to be saturated with it, because He was turning the earth$B!G(Bs heart into His holy heart thus for His children along with the earth to become reborn into His new kingdom in one day lastly.
For our heavenly Father needed to live His eternal life with Abraham and his family as Sarah along with the adopted children, neighbors and friends from near and far, because He needed to be the first one to enjoy the richness from heaven$B!G(Bs glory in Canaan thus to turn it into His sweetness for the entire human race throughout the earth forever. However, for our heavenly Father to make this possible upon Canaan and throughout the earth, then, He had to turn the earth$B!G(Bs heart into His holy heart filled with His amazing unfailing-love, richness, powers and endless glories that will honor not only Him along His holy name fires over Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill but also His children baptized in water only—as you today.
Surely, it was important for our heavenly Father to call Abraham with his only beloved son Isaac to Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, resting at mount Moriah, because he was to offer the earth$B!G(Bs lamb burnt offering unto heaven$B!G(Bs glory that was His only Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, offering Him aromas of eternal victories upon earth finally for His coming kingdom$B!G(Bs new glories. Nevertheless, before our heavenly Father was to baptize any man, woman and child from the families of the nations, then, He had to have not only His Son Jesus Christ become Isaac in Canaan through Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb to destroy sin at the Red Sea$B!G(Bs water baptism but also have him (Isaac) born from the virgin from Canaan, thus sealing the destruction of sin forever.
Therefore, although His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit in Canaan, then, Abraham$B!G(Bs children needed to be born away from Canaan, collecting the families of the nations$B!G(B sins from the past and the future committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus destroying them finally in water baptism forever outside Egypt. For our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood victorious over everyday life throughout the earth, as He lived His eternal life with Abraham and his loved ones, because by collecting the sins of the world in Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity then He had made the sacred-flesh victorious against sin through water baptism forever.
Then, once the house of Israel had been baptized at the Red Sea by abandoning not only the sins of the families of the nations but also they abandoned the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit thus they became rightful citizens of Canaan to perform our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs daily miracles throughout the earth eternally. Therefore, our heavenly Father has caused His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh and atoning-blood sin-proof, because it did not only collect the sins from the families of the nations from the entire human race but also abandoned them at the water baptism, for each of His children to be dressed with glory unable to become affected by sin anymore forever through eternity.
This is to say, also that our heavenly Father by having His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood sin-proof in Canaan and throughout the earth, then, He can call every man, woman and child from the families of the nations to become baptized in water to be dressed with His glorified-body to become eternally blessed always these days into eternity. This means also that by our heavenly Father living with Abraham and his loved ones, as Sarah his wife along with the adoptive children, neighbors and friends from near and far, then, He was pleased that His eternal life was well lived by His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh with everyone around Him thus approving it to enter into heaven$B!G(Bs glory, whenever necessary.
Indeed, our heavenly Father has not only lived His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh and atoning-blood with Abraham and his loved ones along with the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers in Canaan that He approved it finally to ascend into heaven$B!G(Bs glory to live His eternal life with Him as well throughout eternity, because He needs His children returning to life eternal with His Son$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh. For our heavenly Father desires every day of His eternal life in heaven$B!G(Bs glory to live His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh victorious over Satan, the fallen angels and death with every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations but baptized in water, so they may become reborn in Canaan$B!G(Bs daily richness, powers and endless glories forever through eternity.
For this is the sacred-flesh with the unbreakable bones along with the atoning-blood that is compatible with His eternal life but also with His Holy Spirit, therefore the angelical hosts are very happy to see each of His children returning to eternal life baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, thus to enter to live in Canaan forever enriched now. Surely, our heavenly Father has called every man, woman and child from the families of the nations, starting with Israel, to become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so they may become reborn in Canaan and in the sacred-flesh, where sin fails to exist throughout eternity, starting now with you, too.
For this is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs Son Jesus Christ that has defeated Satan, the fallen angels along with the angel of death in his glorified-body that is the sacred-flesh along with the atoning-blood that you will inherit forever as you are baptized in water, by invoking the perfect holiness of His name thus you may live with Him always enjoying His daily Canaan$B!G(Bs richness. For our heavenly Father will live His eternal life with you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends that has defeated Satan, the fallen angels and death not only in Canaan but also in your country of origin, because He really needs to transfer His heaven$B!G(Bs glory into your home, neighborhood, workplace and your entire nation thus you may know His passion for you continually.
However, our heavenly Father must execute His perfect will with every man, woman and child from Israel and the families the nations, but first reborn in water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob thus Canaan$B!G(Bs daily richness may flow through you, your home and loved ones. For the reason that, if our heavenly Father can live His eternal life with Abraham and his loved ones at his home along with His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac and the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs daily powers in Canaan, then, He can live with you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends in your homeland thus He may enrich you as you have never known richness before.
Given that, if our heavenly Father can truly live with every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations, reborn in water baptism by walking with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in Canaan$B!G(Bs daily life, filled with heaven$B!G(Bs glory and endless-richness, then He has conquered you along with the entire earth for His coming new kingdom. Understanding that, if our heavenly Father can live with you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends in His Son$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh that has defeated Satan, the fallen angels, death and the entire world, then, He can cause The New celestial Jerusalem to descend, establishing it in Canaan thus you may live in it, enjoying its endless glories, powers and richness through eternity.
For this is the only way possible that our heavenly Father will defeat Satan, the fallen angels, death and every enemy coming towards you and your loved ones, including neighbors and friends from near and far, because you have become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness from His all-powerful name nailed to the wood over Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, in Canaan. Besides, our heavenly Father needs to defeat Satan, the fallen angels, death and every enemy coming your way by His holy name fires$B!G(B amazing daily powers nailed to the wood over Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, in Canaan, so He may sing victory over the enemy in you, thus you may live His glorious life, enriching you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends through life.
Presently, our heavenly Father needs to defeat His usual enemies, as Satan, the fallen angels, death and any other enemy as poverty through your days just as He destroyed them within His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs life and that of the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs as well throughout Canaan, so His perfect will may shine in you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father that after Abraham had lived His eternal life filled with His unfailing-love, joys, powers and endless happiness with His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac and with the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs daily powers, then, He called him to Mount Zion, resting at mount Moriah, so he may offer his newfound love towards Him in heaven$B!G(Bs glory.
For this is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs unfailing-love that Abraham along with Sarah and others received from the rock of salvation first, thus loving Him and His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb by the Holy Spirit as Isaac, to walk towards Mount Zion, resting at Moriah, finally offering his only son Isaac as a burnt offering towards heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever. For this was an important burnt offering of his only son Isaac that Abraham needed to offer unto our heavenly Father in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, so He may be merciful towards him and his loved ones, including the families of the nations already lying in hell$B!G(Bs torment in need to become liberated from their sins that had taken them there forever cursed.
Consequently, our heavenly Father had to release upon Isaac His holy heart amazing unfailing-love for His children lying in hell$B!G(Bs torment already dead, powerless and eternally cursed never to see life again upon the face of the earth, because they had neglected to become reborn from water baptism by invoking His holy name$B!G(Bs powers, to escape Satan, death, sins and eternal perdition. This is when, our heavenly Father released His amazing unfailing-love born from His holy heart for His children already lying in hell$B!G(Bs torments along with the children living through coming generations on their way to eternal perdition as well, thus, He had to release His perfect will towards them finally to save them with His unfailing-love, powers, glories and endless richness from Canaan today.
For our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ living as Isaac with Abraham and Sarah along with the adoptive children, then, He learned not only that He needed to rescue His children lying in hell$B!G(Bs torment with His Son$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh and his atoning-blood victorious over death forever, but also, He learned to live with them daily enriched in His new earth. For our heavenly Father needed to learn from His children who would love Him through His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh and his atoning-blood born from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit, so He may allow them finally into His new earth, His new kingdom, filled with His unfailing-love for His children through eternity, conquering new glories unseen before by anyone.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father as He lived His eternal life born to Abraham through His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac that lived with him and Sarah his wife, then, He could now live with every man, woman and child to be born upon earth for Israel but also for the families of the nations through coming generations. That is why, that our heavenly Father was able to pour His entire holy heart upon Isaac as Abraham lied him over Mount Zion, resting at Moriah, because He had already entirely expiated, judged and covered every sin from the families of the nations from the past and the future with His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs atoning-blood victorious over death in Canaan finally forever.
Moreover, this is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs oath sworn to Isaac pouring upon Isaac$B!G(Bs frail-body as Abraham$B!G(Bs lamb lying over Mount Zion, resting at Moriah, so he may be declared Just forever for Jacob to be born along with the children that were going to collect every sin from the families of the nations finally to destroy them at the Red sea water baptism. For our heavenly Father with the oath sworn to Isaac poured upon Isaac$B!G(Bs frail-body over His altar at Mount Zion along with the entire land of Canaan that is His home-sweet-home, then, He can declare every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations Just forever thus they may enter eternal life forever justified, enriched and blessed throughout eternity.
Nevertheless, our heavenly Father needs to have everyone from Israel and from the families of the nations baptized in water first, before ascending to Mount Zion, in Canaan, with His holy name fires nailed to the wood, where His Son Jesus Christ born initially as Isaac has finally shed his atoning-blood with eternal life victorious over Satan, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment forever. For this is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs everlasting life that He had granted not only to Adam and Eve along with his children living through the generations that needed to defeat Satan$B!G(Bs lies, curses, infirmities, poverty, hell and death, but also the entire earth by turning its heart as holy as His in His chest by shedding the atoning-blood over the cross.
Certainly, ever since Adam and Eve along with the children died in their sins, because their own blood killed them with the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil along with the spirit of error, then, Isaac reborn as Jesus Christ shed the atoning-blood restoring everyone$B!G(Bs eternal life in Canaan forever only to know love, peace, prosperity and endless richness. Therefore, our heavenly Father can receive now every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations baptized in water first by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may finally declare each of them Just and holy forever over Mount Zion, in Canaan, so they may see life eternal again forever justified.
That is why, that our heavenly Father had Abraham$B!G(Bs children born in Egypt, collecting every sin from the past and the future, so they may take them with His holy name fires, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob to dump them entirely at the Red sea baptism never to see them again in life forever. Truthfully, our heavenly Father could have never had had the house of Israel born in Canaan, because it is the land where He had poured His perfect will entirely as the oath sworn to Isaac, already expiating, judging, forgiving and covering every sin ever committed against Him, His Son and His Spirit by every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations.
For our heavenly Father had made the entire land of Canaan His perfect will just as paradise and The New Jerusalem from heaven above are through eternity with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and every man, woman and child that had been saved already by water baptism through the generations until now. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed Canaan established as His perfect will upon earth with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and everyone from Israel and the nations reborn through water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name fires nailed already to the wood over Mount Zion, in Canaan, thus they may become justified, saved, blessed and enriched forever.
In other words, our heavenly Father needed the entire earth filled with His perfect will as paradise and The New Jerusalem from heaven above have been through eternity along with other heavenly places; therefore, He had to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers, granting the sacred-flesh to humankind, to make it possible lastly. Meaning that, also as everyone from Israel and the nations become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error exchanges for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit to enter Canaan forever justified, enriched, blessed with His perfect will sealed in them forever throughout eternity.
This is when that one (you) that had become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His all-powerful name nailed to the wood over Mount Zion, in Canaan, then that one walks with our heavenly Father and His Spirit throughout Canaan only to know love, power, richness, prosperity and endless-happiness, because sin fails to exist in Canaan forever for the entire earth. For our heavenly Father has poured His entire holy heart upon Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-body along with his atoning-blood filled with eternal life existing throughout Canaan forever into eternity, and so, everyone baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness has begun to live his eternal life with the Father thus blessing his homeland and families as well with endless daily richness from heaven$B!G(Bs glory.
That is to say, that our heavenly Father by having every man, woman and child invoking His holy name fires along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as they are submerging into water, emerging instantly into Canaan, walking with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit together, then their countries of origin will be blessed just as Canaan is blessed forever. For our heavenly Father needs to transfer from paradise, The New celestial Jerusalem and other heavenly places His perfect will already poured upon His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs power in Canaan, but also He needs to transfer His perfect will into your homeland and the families thus to justify, enrich and bless them with endless sweet-happiness always.
It is as our heavenly Father had to have had Israel born away from Canaan, collecting the sins of the entire world in Egypt, and so, after they had collected every sin from the families of the nations then He baptized them at the Red sea to make them citizens of Canaan later to work with them through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert with His richness. Given that, if our heavenly Father had had the entire house of Israel born in Canaan, then, they would have failed to collect the sins from the past and the future entirely with the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs powers thus to abandon them at the Red sea water baptism never to remember them again against any one of His children upon earth.
Lawfully: Our heavenly Father has called Canaan the most beautiful land on earth, because there is no other one like it in His entire Creation as beautiful as Canaan is with His perfect will, because He has poured His holy heart entirely upon it to live with His children baptized in water from Israel and the families of the nations thus becoming forever justified. Legally, Canaan is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs home-sweet-home, therefore, it is a very especial land for Himself, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and for every man, woman and child, including the angelical host to live with Him forever enriched in His eternal life, where sin has never existed; thus, sin fails to exist as well in Canaan for the entire earth forever.
That is why, that Canaan is compatible with paradise, The New celestial Jerusalem and for everyone in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, as our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations, baptized in water first by invoking the perfect holiness of His all-powerful name nailed to the cross, in Canaan. Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to work with ancient Israel through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert as Canaan$B!G(Bs legitimate citizens, because after conducting the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness, then, they needed to become one seed with the entire human race in hell, reborn in Canaan as the tree, the cross, bearing His holy name fires forever enriched into everlasting.
For our heavenly Father, Abraham was Adam that He needed to eat the bread of life with him along with his adoptive children at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table, served by His Son Jesus Christ, so Sarah with her barren-womb may be Eve given birth to Isaac for His children to be born again, but from the earth$B!G(Bs heart from a virgin womb from Canaan. This was Isaac again been born from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter, giving us the king Messiah, as the bread and wine that his brothers and sisters from Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones needed to eat along with the families of the nations lost already, because the virgin from Canaan is Eve again, giving birth to His children (you) in perfect holiness.
Indeed, Sarah is Eve from sinful-earth giving birth children to be reborn later, starting with His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers, reborn again soon from Eve in Canaan, modern paradise, as The Lamb of God shedding his atoning-blood victorious over death towards his brothers and sisters under Canaan, granting them eternal life again—and you too today. For our heavenly Father, Sarah is Eve from sinful-earth giving birth to His children, starting with His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac by the Holy Spirit, to be reborn from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter in Canaan, so he may spill his atoning-blood victorious over death over his brothers and sisters for the earth$B!G(Bs heart to give birth to them again with perfect eternal life forever.
In other words, our heavenly Father has made compatible with the oath sworn to Isaac every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His all-powerful name nailed to the cross over Mount Zion, in Canaan, and this means compatible to paradise, The New celestial and every other heavenly place in heaven$B!G(Bs glory. Well, this is how our heavenly Father needed to transfer not only His amazing powers, richness and glories from paradise, The New celestial Jerusalem and other heavenly places into Canaan by His oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs way, truth and life, furthermore, He is in need nowadays to transfer powers, glories and richness from Canaan into every nation, spreading His new kingdom of love worldwide finally.
That is why: that every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations should have their loved ones, neighbors and friends baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and so, not only their homeland will be blessed along with their families but also every living creature worldwide. Considering that, our heavenly Father will bless, enrich and prosper not only their homeland but also every plant, tree, animal kingdom filling them with love, joy and happiness as His peace spreads worldwide, because as people feel love, peace and happiness—then, His entire Creation feels the same thus turning the earth into His holy heart filled with endless love for life through eternity.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to descend into the earth$B!G(Bs heart, as the Valley of the dried bones, with ancient Israel bitten by poisonous snakes, so He may establish His perfect will overriding Satan$B!G(Bs and death$B!G(Bs wills, as His holy heart under Canaan thus loving continuously His children baptized in water each day in their countries of origin. That is to say, that our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy heart has been established under Canaan not only to become His new earth, forming His new kingdom of eternal love for His children from Israel and the families of the nations but also for His angelical hosts, because He is descending soon to possess Canaan as His home-sweet-home forever well into eternity.
Definitely, our heavenly Father is descending with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and every man, woman and child from the families of the nations into the countless billions initially reborn from water baptism, therefore they are saved along with billions of angels to live in His new earth—His endless kingdom of love, created for you to love Him today—through eternity. Indeed, it was important for our heavenly Father to execute His rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert with ancient Israel, as His high priest in the sacred-flesh that had abandoned the sins of the earth in the water baptism of the Red sea never to see them again forever.
For our heavenly Father needed to kick out Satan, the fallen angels and death from the earth$B!G(Bs heart, so He may establish His perfect will under Canaan thus to continue to love, serve and worship His holy name fires nailed to the wood over Mount Zion, but also, receive the families of the nations baptized in water with perfect salvation in His home-sweet-home. Justly: Our heavenly Father had to kick out Satan, the fallen angels and death from under Canaan, the heart of the earth, so His holy heart may always be there to receive you, baptized in water, in Canaan with His amazing love that He has always felt for you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends thus you may love His holy name forever.
Therefore, since ancient Israel along with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit had removed Satan, the fallen angels and death from the earth$B!G(Bs heart by turning it into His holy heart, loving you forever, then, Satanists entered Canaan lastly with deception thus to establish Lucifer as king of Israel through witchcraft performed by them, declaring themselves to be Jews. For our heavenly Father has desired since even before the foundation of the world to live His eternal life with each of His children in Canaan, baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, filled with His oath sworn to Isaac, starting with Adam and Eve along with you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world until now.
Certainly, this is how our heavenly Father lived His eternal life with Abraham and Sarah along with the adoptive children as His Son Jesus Christ became Isaac in his family, so He may daily live His eternal life with His children living through future generations, but also, live it entirely with the families of the nations throughout Canaan$B!G(Bs richness, blessing their homelands continually. Considering that, our heavenly Father has already blessed earth as He established His perfect will in its heart, so Satan and his fallen angels along with death will fail to execute his wicked-will over the families of the nations, because he is eternally defeated—therefore, he is just living his last days before he is tossed into the lake of fire, the second death.
For our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs perfect will is entirely in the earth$B!G(Bs heart right under Canaan thus He may receive His children from Israel and the families of the nations reborn from the water baptism, so they may love, serve and worship His holy name fires over Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, blessing themselves each day in their homelands with Canaan$B!G(Bs richness throughout the earth forever. Understanding that, it is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs perfect will that is established in the earth$B!G(Bs heart as the foundation of Canaan and the new earth: therefore His perfect will is established right under Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, then, with His children baptized in water, certainly He can spread His perfect will throughout the earth, blessing every living-soul with perfect holiness always until kingdom comes.
Therefore, once you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, the rock of salvation becomes part of your every day life in Canaan, because it comes with Canaan and its eternal daily richness, so you may live your everyday life in your homeland eternally enriched with your family. For this is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs home-sweet-home along with His rock of salvation where He has blessed you already since before the foundation of the world, so you may enter into Canaan to enjoy your glorious eternal life that is His own life that is waiting for you to come now, thus to fill you each day with joys, powers and endless sweetness. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? Or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1
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