"Paul Blay" <ranma@saotome.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
> "Eric Takabayashi" wrote ...
> >
> > Japanese news reports would make it seem that the occasional shipload of
> > North Korean sailors (due to shipwreck, or waiting for permission to
dock or
> > refueling for the trip home) choose to go home without exception,
despite seeing
> > some of the world outside.
> Maybe not so unlikely.  There's a lot of concern about growth retardation
due to
> poor nutrition in North Korea - a couple of soldiers whose boat was blown
> South Korea's waters by a storm decided to return because they were
> by the height of South Korean women.
> Now don't do anything awkward like ask for a link because I just went back
> the site I read it on and I couldn't find the right search terms.

You are joking, right?  Thats the funniest thing I've read today.