Re: My mini mid life crisis
On Jul 8, 10:22 pm, wrote:
> John W. <> wrote:
> > I've found myself repeatedly watching the music video for "Kurumi" by
> > Mr Children; actually I watch the two available on YouTube, one of
> > which is a semi-acoustic version, I assume from the movie that
> > featured the song. As mid life crises go,
> Easier way to avoid mid-life crisis; refuse to grow up.
> You're welcome.
There's the whole "need a job" thing that's getting in the way. Maybe
I'll get my book sold and it'll be more of a J.K. Rowling experience
and less of a Cormac McCarthy experience.
> > it's not too bad and is much
> > cheaper than a Harley.
> I got a BMW K75, but I got it decades (literally) ago.
I have no place to park a motorcycle, unfortunately, and the wifey and
I disagree on the need to move to a place that'll have such room.
> > Thanks for the shoulder.
> If you're "sharing feelngs" and there's not beer involved, something's
> wrong.
I never said there wasn't beer involved, though I will probably stick
with a martini.
John W.
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