On Jun 2, 2:32 pm, Declan Murphy <declan_mur...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 2, 12:02 pm, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > On 05/29/2010 11:30 PM, mtfes...@netMAPSONscape.net wrote:
> > > Scott Reynolds<scottr...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> > >> Hello, Nishikura-san,
> > >> As you may have gathered from the response you received so far,
> > >> "haafu" is not considered by many English speakers to be an acceptable
> > >> word to use when referring to children who have one Japanese and one
> > >> non-Japanese parent. In fact, along with "mixed-race," which you also
> > >> use in your post, many people find the word "haafu" pretty insulting.
> > >> (This may be more the case for the parents than for the kids
> > >> themselves, but there it is.)
> > > Basically, the last sentence is correct; I hate the word, but it doesn't
> > > bother my kids at all.
> > You don't live in Japan.  Come on back and see how long it takes for one
> > of your kids to beat the shit out of one of their peers.  Usually takes
> > about three days before someone gets punched.
> Scott does live in Japan, as do his kids who grew up here AFAIK.

Attributions got lost somewhere.  The comment was addressed to Mike
(who doesn't
live in Japan) who also made the claim that his kids aren't bothered
by the term.