Re: Proof that Rei has bigger breasts than Asuka - Redux
In article <y3u5b.10675$>,
Daniel Rudy <> wrote:
> I don't goto your group, so I haven't read the charter. Besides, hasn't
> NGE been released in the UK?
It has.
The problem is that the charter clearly states that UMAA is supposed to
only be about the status of anime as it concerns the UK. It is not meant
to be an automatic crosspost target for anything and everything that crops
up on raam or any other group. This is something that is being
conveniently ignored by PPV and his cronies purely because it seems like a
good idea to wind up the regulars.
The charter for UMAA is freely available, for example at
//\ // Chika <miyuki at>
// \// MMW Crashnet <>
... Profanity, the language programmers know.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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