Can You Gain Muscle and Burn Fat at the Same Time? 54873
Can You Gain Muscle and Burn Fat at the Same Time?
-- By Jon Benson, Author of "7 Minute Muscle"
Many fitness pros just plain don't believe that you can burn fat while building muscle at the same time. Every time I read an article by some doctor or expert claiming it's "biologically impossible" to gain muscle on a hypocaloric diet (a diet low in calories) I just laugh.
I do more than make claims - I have proved this to be true many times. I've had my body fat hydrostatically measured during several peaks. In all but one I showed an increase of muscle mass and a decrease of body fat during a 12-16 week period. The one time I didn't show an increase in muscle mass when was I was training the most in the gym. That may not make sense right now, but it will in a moment.
(Read the full article here:
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