"Jon" <jon8338@peoplepc.com> wrote in message 
> Solution to a pentic:
> http://jons-math.bravehost.com/penticsoln.html
> This shows the steps to derive the formula below.
> The root to ax^5+bx+c=0 is,
> x = { -c*({a^2+b^2}^(1/2)+a)/(b^2+a*{a^2+b^2}^(1/2)) }^(1/5)
> Using this formula, the roots to,
> x^5+x-34=0  x=1.888  should be 2
> 32x^5+4x-3=0 x=0.623 should be 1/2
> x^5+x-0.10001 x=0.5887 should be 1/10

So the formula must be wrong.

Don't believe everything you read on the internet.