Declan Murphy wrote:
> On Jun 18, 7:58 am, Jim Breen <> wrote:
>>bitter anko wrote:
>>>Dave Fossett, Declan Potato....Micheal Cash and all those funny White
>>>Christian supremacists sounding as the slave traders of the 18th
>>>century, too shocking to see it, too many jap sex-slave traders here.
>>I may have a few mental characterizations of Mike Cash (since he is
>>the only one of the trio above I have met in the flesh, so to speak),
>>but "White Christian supremacist" isn't one that immediately comes
>>to mind. In fact, after numerous seconds of deep thought, it still
>>doesn't come to mind.
> Is Mike white? Haven't met the man. 

He is. Here is a picture containing us both. Mike is on the left
down the end of the table. His daughter is next to him. (Various
other fjlij people, past and present, are in that picture - it was
taken mid-2001.)

> Is Mike a believer in celestial
> thingees? Haven't met the man. 

Dunno. He never mentioned such things.

> He's definitely a supremacist though.

Aren't we all?

Jim Breen
Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia