Lund wrote:
> > > When they weren't allowed to do their barbaric science on human beings
> > > anymore they turned to whales.
> > Get real.
> Eat my dirty shorts.
It's like Dr Frankenstein is on the loose

>Lean to use toilet paper.

> Whenever anyone sees the words "Japanese Whaling"
> I want them to see live vivisection on human POWs awake and without
> anesthetic.
Why don't you vivisect your ass with an axe handle
>Why? The two have nothing to do with each other.

>... bear a striking resemblance to the sleazy methods Greenpeace use
to get *their* way...

> has a pricetag of remembering every worse thing about the Japanese
> "Culture". YOU can't save them from paying the full price for every
> mouthful of whale meat.
Yea like whale meat is going to take over the market

>Oh, I'm sure they can afford to pay for their own meals. The Japanese 
>aren't poor.

>> There's a price to pay for hounding animals not yet recovered from near
>> extinction
> Are you talking about tigers or black rhinos? That I know of the
> whaling that's happening/being proposed isn't for animals facing
> extinction. But since I've removed the cross posting from the reply
> most likely A) you'll never see this message, and B) Google Groups will
> not know how to thread it.
> John W.