Jim Breen wrote:
> Declan Murphy wrote:
>> On Aug 13, 2:20 pm, Jim Breen <jimbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> CL wrote:
>> <schnippity schnipp>
>>>> Which is why you have things like Region Codes on DVDs and
>>>> laser-cut numbering on book spines.  They contribute nothing to the
>>>> product, only to the bottom line of the greedheads running publishing,
>>>> media, and trademarking.
>>> Nah. Region Codes on DVDs are the opposite - they're anti-competitive.
>> Isn't that what he is saying Jim?
> I read it as saying that anti-monopoly legislation led
> to/encouraged things like DVD region codes.

No.  I wrote that stupid politicians and ignorant enforcement officers
led to anti-competitive policies becoming the law under the "guidance"
of special interest groups, who were better organized.  Like trademark
and intellectual property lawyers, whose business is so arcane even 99%
of them don't understand.
