Taleban at Kabul's doorstep
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Taleban at Kabul's doorstep
Wednesday, 13 August 2008 13:25
It is just an hour's drive south-west of Kabul on Afghanistan's main
highway before you start to see dramatic evidence of how the insurgency
is closing in on the capital.
Georgian president to McCain: Move 'from words to deeds'
Wednesday, 13 August 2008 13:03
Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili on Wednesday called for John
McCain and other American leaders to do more for Georgia in their
response to the conflict in his country.
“Yesterday, I heard Sen. McCain say, ‘We are all Georgians now,’”
Saakashvili said on CNN’s American Morning. “Well, very nice, you know,
very cheering for us to hear that, but OK, it’s time to pass from this.
From words to deeds.”
McCain told a crowd in Pennsylvania yesterday that he had called
Saakashvili to express solidarity with the people of Georgia, saying:
“Today, we are all Georgians.”
Israeli assassins likely to pose as Canadians: expert
Wednesday, 13 August 2008 11:50
Israel is reported to have reactivated a unit known to send agents
posing as Canadian tourists to foreign countries to carry out
The Kidon Unit—named for the Hebrew word for bayonet—is part of Israel's
overseas intelligence service, the Mossad.
Canadian travel documents have been a favourite of the Mossad for
decades, and some in Canada say that practice is likely to resume, no
matter what Israel promises.
The last time Mossad agents were caught using Canadian passports was in
1997. Two hit men had tried and failed to inject a lethal poison into
the neck of the director of the Hamas press office in Amman, Jordan.
Canada recalled its ambassador in protest. It was the third time Mossad
agents had been caught posing as Canadians, and the third time Israel
promised to stop.
Soldiers pay bag fee on travels to war
Wednesday, 13 August 2008 11:44
American Airlines is charging troops for their extra baggage, a practice
that forces soldiers heading for a war zone in Iraq to try to get
reimbursement from the military. One of the country's largest veterans
groups is asking the aviation industry to drop the practice immediately.
Georgian villages burned and looted as Russian tanks advance
Wednesday, 13 August 2008 11:13
Villages in Georgia were being burned and looted as Russian tanks and
soldiers followed by "irregulars" advanced from the breakaway province
of South Ossetia, eyewitnesses said today.
"People are fleeing, there is a mood of absolute panic. The idea there
is a ceasefire is ridiculous," Luke Harding, the Guardian's
correspondent, said.
Foreclosure fallout: Houses go for a $1
Wednesday, 13 August 2008 09:46
The sale price of the home may be an anomaly, but illustrates both the
depths of the foreclosure crisis in Detroit and the rapid scuttling of
vacant homes in some of the city's impoverished neighborhoods.
Put on the market in January for $1,100, the house had no lookers other
than the squatters who sometimes stayed there at night. Facing $4,000 in
back taxes and a large unpaid water bill, the bank that owned the
property lowered the price to $1.
As many U.S. contractors as troops in Iraq
Wednesday, 13 August 2008 09:38
The U.S. has about the same number of private contractors in Iraq as
uniformed service members, a new congressional report says — a
history-making ratio that presents problems in keeping track of all the
workers and highlights the difficulties of supporting extended military
operations without a larger force.
The presence of private security companies has caused some consternation
in military circles because some private guards are earning up to $1,222
a day, compared to $160 to $190 earned in pay and benefits by a midgrade
military member with similar skills.
TVNL Comment: War is a racket and this one is a doozie!
Chinese police rough up British journalist at Tibet protest
Wednesday, 13 August 2008 08:55
Police in Beijing dragged away and roughed up a British television
journalist Wednesday as he observed a group of foreigners holding a
demonstration for Tibet less than half a mile from the Olympic Green.
Witnesses said the journalist, John Ray of Britain's Independent
Television News, was wrestled to the ground by police, dragged along and
shoved into a police van.
Over 33,000 buyers signed up for GM electric car
Wednesday, 13 August 2008 08:35
In a bid to show the demand for the upcoming all-electric Chevrolet
Volt, a proponent of the car has released details of an unofficial
waiting list for the vehicle with over 33,000 prospective buyer
More Articles...
* Israel clears troops who killed Reuters cameraman
* Official: 3 Western women killed in Afghan attack
* Bombs target city official, civilians in Iraq
* Surrender or else, Russia tells Georgia
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