Empty Iraq prison: A $40 million failure! tvnl news
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Empty Iraq prison: A $40 million failure
Monday, 28 July 2008 17:45
In the flatlands north of Baghdad sits a prison with no prisoners. It
holds something else: a chronicle of U.S. government waste, misguided
planning and construction shortcuts costing $40 million and stretching
back to the American overseers who replaced Saddam Hussein.
Church exorcism protected by First Amendment
Monday, 28 July 2008 17:38
Laura Schubert Pearson's lawsuit accusing members of the Pleasant Glade
Assembly of God Church of subjecting her to a two-day exorcism ordeal in
1996 that left her so distressed she attempted suicide was dismissed by
the Texas Supreme Court last month.
The judges overturned a lower court's decision awarding her damages and
ruled that because Mrs Schubert Pearson's claims of injury amounted to a
religious dispute over church doctrine it would be "unconstitutional"
for the court to get involved.
U.S. facing possible hearing loss epidemic: study
Monday, 28 July 2008 17:18
One of three U.S. adults already suffers from some degree of hearing
loss and the use of personal stereos and an aging population may create
a hearing impairment epidemic, researchers said on Monday.
A team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore estimated that 55
million Americans have hearing loss in one or both ears, with men,
whites and the least-educated most affected.
"Shanghai Six" and the Collective Security Organization are to React to
American Missile Defence Plans
Monday, 28 July 2008 17:09
Russia is member of the post-Soviet Collective Security Treaty
Organization (CSTO), which brings it together with Belarus, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Armenia.
Together with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the CSTO is
considering a joint response to American plans for missile defences in
Eastern and Central Europe.
The Organization sees the NATO defence infrastructure and American
missile defences so close to its western borders as a serious threat to
its vital security interests.
TVNL Comment: Bush called himself a "uniter, not a divider". He was
correct. He has united the world against us!
Justice Report Finds Aides Illegally Discriminated Against Career Hires
Who Weren't Republican
Monday, 28 July 2008 16:28
Gonzales was largely unaware of the hiring decisions by two of his most
trusted aides, according to the report by Justice's Office of Inspector
General and Office of Professional Responsibility.
But it singles out his former White House liaison, Monica Goodling,
for violating federal law and Justice Department policy by
discriminating against job applicants who weren't Republican or
conservative loyalists.
AF Exec Resigns Over Leadership Change
Monday, 28 July 2008 15:47
The Air Force's logistics chief resigned Monday, saying that the recent
leadership shake up by Defense Secretary Robert Gates has hurt his
ability to do his job.
The Bush Administration's Secret Biowarfare Agenda
Monday, 28 July 2008 15:08
At the same time, ample evidence "confirms that the US has built an
extensive arsenal of biological weapons (in blatant violation) of
international laws and covenants." It was enlarged in the 1980s and
1990s but significantly expanded under George Bush on the pretext of
being strictly "defensive" and to "curb the use of germ warfare by
'rogue states.' "
On October 29, 2002, the London Guardian reported that "Respected
scientists on both sides of the Atlantic warned that the US is
(illegally) developing a new generation of weapons that undermine and
possibly violate international treaties on biological and chemical
warfare" - ironically at the same time it accused Iraq of these same
type violations.
University of Bradford international security professor Malcolm Dando
and University of California microbiology lecturer Mark Wheelis accused
the Bush administration of "encouraging a breakdown in arms control"
treaties by secretly conducting these programs. Dando said they include:
-- developing a cluster bomb to disperse bioweapons;
-- building a bioweapons plant from commercially available
materials to prove "terrorists" can do it;
-- genetically engineering a more potent anthrax strain;
-- producing dried and weaponized anthrax spores in quantities far
larger than for research;
-- researching and producing hallucinogenic weapons such as BZ gas; and
-- developing "non-lethal" weapons similar to the gas Russia used
to end the 2002 Moscow theater siege that killed around 170 people and
injured hundreds.
Injured vets tell pull Dick Cheney invitation over security demands
Monday, 28 July 2008 15:04
Vice President Cheney's invitation to address wounded combat veterans
next month has been yanked because the group felt his security demands
were Draconian and unreasonable.
The veep had planned to speak to the Disabled American Veterans at 8:30
a.m. at its August convention in Las Vegas.
His staff insisted the sick vets be sequestered for two hours before
Cheney's arrival and couldn't leave until he'd finished talking,
officials confirmed.
Monday, 28 July 2008 15:01
The governor's address - which his aides hope will be televised by
public and cable news stations - will say that plunging state revenues
will force painful cuts in state services, necessitate a reduction in
the state work force, possibly through layoffs, and require other
difficult economic measures, source said.
More Articles...
* Suicide hot line got calls from 22,000 veterans
* DOJ: Former aide broke law in hiring scandal
* S.F. protest against Savage's autism remarks
* Suspected U.S. missile strike kills six in Pakistan
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