At the Black and Tan site you can find all this information plus lots of 
other and interesting stuff (pictures, links, opinions). The content is 
updated almost daily.


Y O U   C A N   H E L P

All  suggestions on how the spread this great music of all these great 
artists (to as many people as possible) are always very welcome

B L A C K   A N D   T A N   W E B   S H O P


Every customer in the web shop you will get a brand new sampler for FREE 
with their first order. We accept payment by MASTER, VISA and PAYPAL. We 
have everything in stock and ship the same day. We lowered the prices for 
the older titles and skipped the shipping costs. Our prices are listed in 

B O O   B O O   D A V I S



During his European tour in March/April this year Boo Boo Davis was invited 
to do a recording session in for the PAUL JONES SHOW in the legendary BBC 
Maida Vale Studio's in London. The recordings were broadcasted on BBC Radio 
2 on June 9, 2008. At the link below you can listen to the complete show 
plus another exclusive track and a photo gallery from the session. You will 
hear Boo Boo with his new trio line up (Boo Boo on vocals & harmonica, John 
Gerritse on drums and yours truly on guitar); the same line up that we used 
for the recordings of the upcoming CD.


The new Boo Boo Davis record will be titled NAME OF THE GAME and it will be 
released on September 1, 2008. We recorded 12 new originals and re-recorded 
one song form the previous record

A few US dates of Boo Boo;

July 4, Ferguson MO (USA), 4th of July Celebration @ January Wabash Park

July 5, St Louis MO (USA), BB's Blues & Soups

D O U G   M A C L E O D



quote from the review in INMUSIC (Germany):

"This Old River und das sehr pers