Matthews Promotes Russert to Master 9/11 Gatekeeper!

On Monday, Chris Matthews continued his ongoing canonization of Tim 
Russert. Early in the evening’s [i]Hardball[/i] show, Matthews repeated 
a segment of his original tribute to Russert’s career. By doing so, he 
either shamelessly established Russert as a leading 9/11 gate keeper or 
a blithering idiot. I strongly suspect the former.

Of all the endless possibilities, Matthews chose to memorialize Russert 
for some uncanny and privileged insight into the truth about what 
happened on September 11th. He wanted us all to know that

“[Tim Russert] knew on that horrid morning of September 11th that the 
hijackers had grabbed the transcontinental flights because they’d have 
enough fuel to melt the girders of the World Trade towers.”

Wow, just like that, on the morning of 911, Tim Russert KNEW the 
motivations of a whole group of incinerated hijackers. That’s really 
fantastic. He also KNEW the planes had enough fuel to melt the girders 
of the World Trade towers. He just KNEW the temperature of burning jet 
fuel, and he KNEW the melting temperature of steel. Tim Russert was not 
only a mind reader of the dead, but an undeclared expert in aviation 
practices and thermal physics. I’m impressed.