At the Black and Tan site you can find all this information plus lots of 
other and interesting stuff (pictures, links, opinions). The content is 
updated almost daily.


Y O U   C A N   H E L P

All  suggestions on how the spread this great music of all these great 
artists (to as many people as possible) are always very welcome.

B L A C K   A N D   T A N   W E B   S H O P


Every customer in the web shop you will get a brand new sampler for FREE 
with their first order. We accept payment by MASTER, VISA and PAYPAL. We 
have everything in stock and ship the same day. We lowered the prices for 
the older titles and skipped the shipping costs. Our prices are listed in 

B O O   B O O   D A V I S



Boo Boo Davis belongs to the last generation of musicians that write and 
play the blues based on first hand experience of life in the Delta. This 
week we recorded 13 great tracks for his upcoming record. All music, sounds 
and noises that you will hear on this record are coming from Boo Boo's vocal 
chords and harmonica, John Gerritse's drumkit or my guitars. What started a 
z crazy idea after the tour with Boo Boo Davis in October 2007 turned out to 
work great. On the Spring Tour of 2008 we left out the bass and worked as a 
trio. Boo Boo's voice didn't need any modification; it's as loud a fog horn 
(during the years he sang many amps and speaker boxes to pieces). John 
created a great drum kit (100 % Radio King with real skin heads) around his 
70+ years old 28 inch bass drum and I bought a baritone guitar and put very 
heavy strings on my regular guitars. All this together made a very fat, big 
and authentic sound. Boo Boo sounds better then ever with this new set up.

I plan to release the record in September 2008 but I should be able to give 
some listening samples soon.

D O U G   M A C L E O D



quote form the review in NEW FOLK SOUNDS (NL):

"De twaalf nummers van eigen hand overtuigen moeiteloos, terwijl de sfeer en 
de uitvoering de ziel van de blues raken."

read the complete review at the weblog at June 3


quote form the review (in Dutch) at ALTCOUNTRY.NL

"Kortom dit is een klasse-schijfje!"

read the complete review at the weblog at May 23


quote from the review (in German) in JAZZ 'N' MORE (Switzerland):

"Doug MacLeod, begnadeter Singer Songwriter und Storyteller aus Kalifornien, 
legt mit seinen Utrecht Sessions ein knisterndes Acoustic-Blues-Album vor."

read the complete review at the weblog at May 15


The Collectif des Radio Blues is a organization of the major blues radio 
shows in the French speaking area's in France, Belgium, Quebec and Africa. 
They compile a monthly airplay chart of all member shows and on the chart 
for April 2008 you find the new Doug MacLeod on # 5.


The Powerblues chart is made every month; it is the French-speaking Blues 
Radio Society's opinion regarding the new blues releases. The new Doug 
MacLeod release is #5 on the Powerblues chart of May 2008.


Doug is invited to do the support for BB KING on July 3 in Woodinville WA 
(USA). Here is a list of all the concert dates of Doug in the coming months:

June 6, Long Beach CA (USA), Lucille's

June 7, Brea CA (USA), Lucille's

June 8, Hermosa Beach CA (USA), Caf