Latest News-at-a-Glance  - Courtesy of
A Scary Prank About Al Qaeda and W.M.D.
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 19:56

The headlines, splashed across The Drudge Report, ABC News and other 
major news sites last night, were scary indeed: AL QAEDA TAPE TO CALL 

According to the reports, the tape urged jihadists to use “biological, 
chemical and nuclear weapons to attack the West,” and a quote from an 
official source followed, adding further credibility:

     “There have been several reports that al Qaeda will release a new 
message calling for the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against 
civilians,” FBI spokesman Richard Kolko told ABC News in an e-mail.

If confirmed, this would represent an overt threat, and an unusually 
intense one. However, the headline turned less dire upon closer 
inspection. A few hours after the story broke, Evan Kohlmann, a 
terrorism expert who closely tracks Al Qaeda, posted a blog item 
dismissing the threat as a prank:


TVNL Comment:  This is an ongoing, calculated farce - that will not end.
Brown warns of oil shock as protests grow in Europe
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 19:34

PARIS: As protests against the soaring cost of fuel threatened to widen 
in Europe, Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain warned Wednesday that 
the world confronted a global shock caused by skyrocketing oil prices.

"The global economy is facing the third great oil shock of recent 
decades," Brown said in an article published in The Guardian newspaper 
and on his Web site,

Iran strike an unattractive last resort: Bolton
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 19:23

HAY-ON-WYE (Reuters) - Military action against Iran would be a last 
resort but the United States and its allies have not done enough to 
promote the alternative, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations 
said on Wednesday.

John Bolton, who was a leading hawk in President George W. Bush's 
administration, told an audience at the Hay literary Festival that five 
years of "failed" negotiation with Iran over its nuclear program had 
left just two options for dealing with the issue -- regime change and 
use of force.


TVNL Comment: Bolton is a founding member of PNAC, the folks who planned 
and orchestrated the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. "Unattractive" is an 
interesting description of the carnage and destruction of a 'strike' on 
another nation in the PNAC plan for conquest. The message is clear: do 
as Bush/PNAC says or we attack. It will happen.
Global warming to deplete Great Lakes even more
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 19:19

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Global warming will likely drain more water from the 
Great Lakes and pose added pollution threats to the region's vulnerable 
ecosystem, environmental groups said in a report issued on Wednesday.

Climate change could further reduce scant ice cover observed in recent 
winters, increasing evaporation rates and dropping water levels in the 
five lakes that collectively make up 20 percent of the world's surface 
fresh water.

Cluster bomb ban treaty approved
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 15:41

More than 100 nations have reached an agreement on a treaty which would 
ban current designs of cluster bombs. Diplomats meeting in Dublin agreed 
to back an international ban on the use of the controversial weapons 
following 10 days of talks.

But some of the world's main producers and stockpilers - including the 
US, Russia and China - oppose the move. British Prime Minister Gordon 
Brown called it a "big step forward to make the world a safer place".

He announced earlier that Britain would be taking cluster bombs out of 

TVNL Comment:  This is a totally toothless ban without the US, Israel, 
Russia and China.  So why bother?
Sunnis suspend talks with Iraqi govt
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 13:41

BAGHDAD (AP) -- Iraq's largest Sunni Arab political bloc said Wednesday 
it has suspended talks on ending its boycott of the Shiite-led 
government due to a dispute over which positions it would assume, the 
head of the bloc said Wednesday. The decision was a setback to Prime 
Minster Nouri al-Maliki's efforts to bring the Sunnis back into the 
political fold to shore up recent security gains.

"The talks yielded nothing and the government's response was not in line 
with our demands so we have decided to suspend them," said Adnan 
al-Dulaimi, who leads the Sunni National Accordance Front, which holds 
44 of 275 parliamentary seats.


Corrections: In Which the New York Times Perpetuates the Myth It Created 
-- That Bush Won Florida in 2000
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 13:04

The New York Times did not do its own recount. It did participate in a 
consortium. Here's what they actually said: "If all the ballots had been 
reviewed under any of seven single standards, and combined with the 
results of an examination of overvotes, Mr. Gore would have won, by a 
very narrow margin." Ford Fessenden And John M. Broder New York Times, 
November 12, 2001

Network anchors differ on Iraq war coverage
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 12:26

Disagreement over how well the media performed in the run-up to the Iraq 
war emerged between the three network news anchors Wednesday — but what 
Brian Williams, Katie Couric and Charles Gibson did agree on is that the 
Bush Administration put extraordinary pressure on the media during that 


TVNL Comment: An accomplice to a crime is just as guilty as the 
criminals directly involved in a crime!  The corporate media remain 
America's No. 1 enemy!
Iraq: One Winter Soldier's Tale
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 10:58

In the spring of 2008, a conference was held on the outskirts of 
Washington, DC. Entitled Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan, it 
harkened back to the Winter Soldier testimonies held three decades ago 
during the Vietnam War. Of the testimonies we filmed, this one, by Iraq 
War vet Jon Michael Turner, was the most compelling and intense.

More...  (News updated throughout the day)
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