veritas wrote:
> On May 11, 4:25 pm, Greg Procter <> wrote:
> > veritas wrote:
> >
> > > On May 6, 1:40 pm, Reggie <> wrote:
> > > > Latest News-at-a-Glance  - Courtesy of  TvNewsLIES.org
> > > > ___________________________________________________________________________­­_____
> > > > John Bolton: US should bomb Iranian camps
> > > > Tuesday, 06 May 2008 14:25
> >
> > > > Mr Bolton said that striking Iran would represent a major step towards
> > > > victory in Iraq. While he acknowledged that the risk of a hostile
> > > > Iranian response harming American’s overseas interests existed, he said
> > > > the damage inflicted by Tehran would be “far higher” if Washington took
> > > > no action.
> >
> > > > “This is a case where the use of military force against a training camp
> > > > to show the Iranians we’re not going to tolerate this is really the most
> > > > prudent thing to do,” he said. “Then the ball would be in Iran’s court
> > > > to draw the appropriate lesson to stop harming our troops.”
> >
> > > > More...
> > > > ___________________________________________________________________________­­____
> > > > Inquiry: Hospitals couldn't handle terror attack
> > > > Tuesday, 06 May 2008 13:29
> >
> > > > WASHINGTON — Hospital trauma centers in seven major cities do not have
> > > > the capacity to handle even a modest terrorist attack, according to
> > > > findings released Monday from a House committee investigation.
> >
> > > > Lawmakers looked into hospitals' ability to deal with a sudden influx of
> > > > victims in the five cities considered at highest risk for terrorist
> > > > attack and in the two cities hosting this summer's political conventions.
> >
> > > > More...
> > > > ___________________________________________________________________________­­___
> > > > House panel subpoenas top Cheney aide
> > > > Tuesday, 06 May 2008 13:19
> >
> > > > WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Judiciary Committee voted Tuesday to compel
> > > > a top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney to testify to the committee
> > > > about the Bush administration's interrogation practices.
> >
> > > > David Addington, Cheney's chief of staff, refused to testify without a
> > > > subpoena. No date has been set for his appearance before Congress.
> >
> > > > Addington is one of several lawyers believed to have played a key role
> > > > in crafting the administration's interrogation policies shortly after
> > > > the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, policies which some say amounted to torture.
> >
> > > > More...
> > > > ___________________________________________________________________________­­___
> > > > Guant$(D??(Bnamo Briton sues UK over 'torture evidence'
> > > > Tuesday, 06 May 2008 12:49
> >
> > > > The last British resident left in Guant$(D??(Bnamo Bay is suing the UK
> > > > government for refusing to produce evidence that he was a victim of
> > > > extraordinary rendition and torture.
> >
> > > > Binyam Mohamed faces a US military commission which could sentence him
> > > > to death, and his lawyers say proving that the case against him is based
> > > > exclusively on evidence extracted by torture, following his rendition by
> > > > the CIA, is vital to his defence.
> >
> > > > Today, they lodged papers at the high court in London, seeking a
> > > > judicial review to force the Foreign Office to release information on
> > > > his movements.
> >
> > > > More...
> > > > ___________________________________________________________________________­­____
> > > > Fuelling the world food crisis
> > > > Tuesday, 06 May 2008 12:39
> >
> > > > Yesterday’s Washington Post front-page lead story summed up in seven
> > > > words what’s going on: "Siphoning Off Corn to Fuel Our Cars."
> >
> > > > Yes, cars on American roads will burn up close to one-third of the
> > > > enormous corn crop American farmers will grow this year. But because the
> > > > United States is the world’s biggest producer of corn, an essential
> > > > staple, this massive diversion from the food bowl to the fuel tank
> > > > threatens to wreak increasing havoc from here to Timbuktu.
> >
> > > > More...
> > > > ___________________________________________________________________________­­____
> >
> > > > News updated throughout the day.
> >
> > > Well, then Timbuktu will have to pay more for the corn than the fuel
> > > people.  Ecomomics
> > > at work.  Then maybe oil will go down under a $100.00/barrel.  They
> > > can't eat oil.  Well,
> > > maybe they can in Timbuktu, but not the middle east.   Ken Hogan
> >
> > If "economics" in the sense of "free enterprise economoics" made sense,
> > oil would be $300- per barrel and rising.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Greg.P.- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -
> Economics of "free enterprise economics" is all that works.  As for
> $300 a barrel of oil.
> So what?  It costs us a 1/4 of one cent to print a dollar bill.
> Figure out the math.  We
> get a barrel of oil and they get .75/cents of paper.  Meanwhile our
> exports are going full blast and we bought the barrel of oil for .75
> cents.  So, let it raise.  If they don't want to sell it anymore, they
> are on their own.  Let them eat the oil.  Or we just come take it.
> Either way, we get the oil and to our advantage.
> --
> Ken Hogan

Hi Ken,

it doesn't work that way - if you print more money your economy remains
the same value so the value of the US dollar drops. (that has a familiar
ring to it)
You get one shipment of oil and then you pay in Euros thereafter. You
produce bugger-all that the world wants so you have no Euros.
The price of oil goes up until demand begins to droop. The oil producing
countries have finally realized that their resources are worth more than
the US wants to pay and that it doesn't matter how much they charge
because we will pay it.
Your invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq has shown your military threat is
next to toothless.
