What the Hell is an ‘Unpopular’ War?

‘Unpopular’ - un'pop•u•lar - Lacking general approval or acceptance.

Aw, gee.. The American people really don’t approve of the war. They’ve 
totally forgotten about the death and destruction in Afghanistan, but 
they just can’t find it in their hearts to give the war in Iraq a thumbs 
up. What a shame.

It’s so comforting to know that we’re in the midst of what the pundits 
now call an ‘unpopular war.’ I suppose it’s something like an unpopular 
brand of toothpaste, - not really terrible, but somewhat unappealing and 
not quite what the public wants. “It’s not the war, really,” we hear. 
“It’s the way it was fought.” It’s not the toothpaste either, I imagine, 
but something about the after taste.

Is it conceivable that that this illegal, immoral war, built on a 
mountain of lies and deceptions is merely unpopular? Is it possible that 
the death, the bloodshed, and the hundreds of billions of wasted dollars 
simply lack the general approval of most Americans?

One has to wonder what would happen in a ‘popular war.’...