The war against Iraq began at 5:30 AM Baghdad time (9:30 PM EST, March 
19), when the U.S. launches Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Celebrating the Anniversary, Mr. Bush?

Five years, George.  Five ugly, deadly, bloody years.  This is quite an 
anniversary. If you wait a day or two, you’ll be able to celebrate the 
4,000th US military death as well.
Break out the champagne.

It’s been a fairly quiet five years, George. No photos of the dead or 
dying.  No flag-draped coffins, no talk of the legless, blinded or 
horribly burned.   Not a murmur about hundreds of thousands of dead and 
terribly injured Iraqis.  No concern about the millions who had to flee 
the country of their fathers… no fanfare about daisy cutters or depleted 
uranium.  Celebrate….we’re making progress.

Great news management, George, -you’d hardly know such carnage was 
involved. .  Good for you....