Re: Solid state amps and blues. What do u think?
Per Arne Brandal wrote:
> Hi!
> I play lead guitar in a local blues band, and I tried my Hughes & Kettner
> Edition Blonde with a T-Rex Mudhoney in a small club recently. I'm
> surprised how good it sounds. What do you guys think? I usually play thru' a
> Fender Concert 1983 or a Fender 75. The delay is a cheap analog delay frm
> Artec.
> Video on You Tube:
> Per Arne Brandal
> The Red Roosters Blues Band:
That was one excellent blues band! Your guitar work was terrific and
sounded so good, that my wife came into my room to know who that great
guitarist was,and she is NOT a big blues fan. My one question is----why
in the world blues bands do not have a harmonica player in the band?!! I
am a blues harp player and believe the harp and guitar are the two most
essential instruments in blues music. Oh well, just my opinion. All
around tight sounding band. Are all of you Norweigen or from other
countries? Allen
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