Re: Aussie Court case leaves a bad taste in defendant's mouth (obakesan) said:
>In article <>, Brett Robson <>
>>On Sun, 03 Aug 2003 14:34:47 +0900, Curt ...
>>>Curt Fischer wrote:
>>>> Curt Fischer wrote:
>>>> > Also, what in the name of all that is holy is an "inner city suburb"?
>>>> No one wants to chime in here? I am actually curious about this. The
>>>> original article said "an inner-city Brisbane suburb" if I recall
>>>> correctly. To me that is an oxymoron.
>>>> Is this common parlance down in Austria or just a journalist having a
>>>> bad day? What's it mean?
>>>A person who claimed to be Austrian told me that "suburb" is a name for
>>>administrative districts of cities down there. Thus "inner city suburb"
>>>is not the oxymoron that it might seem to Seppongo speakers.
>>>Thanks to everyone for their help in this thread.
>>Sorry, the only two Aussies in this group spent the weekend getting drunk and
>>looking at fireworks and girls in yukata.
>the only two Aussies resident in Japan in this group.
>there are lurkers
And Rodney doesn't drink.
gaijenerous -
adjective: more than adequate (Example: "A slab of
gaijenerous proportion")
adjective: willing to give and share unstintingly
(Example: "A gaijenerous ejaculation")
adjective: not petty in character and mind (Example:
"Unusually gaijenerous in his judgment of people")
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