On May 13, 9:40 am, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> (What Would Debit Do?)
> Rather an odd legal strategy.  I doubt it will work, but stranger things
> have happened.  The one thing about Chris Savoie that I respect is his
> refusing to meet or speak with Debit and specifically asked him to stay
> away from the case.
> http://www.tennessean.com/article/20110510/NEWS03/305100033/Dad-whose...
While I don't think the man deserves to be separated from his kids by
force (there's been nothing to suggest he abused them or did anything
illegal), I still think he's pretty much a dick. It would be very nice
if he acknowledged this and admitted that he treated his wife
unfairly. That would probably not help his chances to see his kids
again, but it wouldn't hurt, either.

I find this approach interesting, though, because there are a lot of
dads who aren't total dicks whose wives have absconded to Japan with
the kids, and it would be nice if there was some recourse. It won't
work, because that's a god-awful sum of money, and if being declared a
fugitive from US justice didn't get her returned I doubt the money
trick will, either.

John W.