"MonkeyBoy" <somewildmonkey@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
>I would seriously recommend leaving this to nature and instead of
> risking hormone treatments focus more on good diet and exercise.
> 141cm does not seem all that short for that age and I've known people
> who haven't had their "growth spurts" until their mid and late teens.
> Besides, you don't want to risk it going too far and have him become a
> "Too-Tall-Taro" - you know, those guys that look like could snap in
> half in a strong breeze :-)
I saw a pic of a boy who had used the HGH and he looked weird.
Not only that, it takes a shot daily...and I know that would be painful.

I heard the average for a Japanese kid that age in Japan is 147 in USA is 
about 151

I am going to go for more calcium & exercise like jump rope and sports (he 
already wrestles) and leave it to nature