Maybe to educate people like you about facts like these.

WW2:  Little Known Facts:
Acts of Terrorism and Atrocity by Japanese

Nanking, China.  Over 200,000 Chinese men used for bayonet practice, machine 
gunned, or set on fire.  Thousands more were murdered.  20,000 women and 
girls were raped, killed or mutilated.  The massacre of a quarter million 
people was an intentional policy to force China to make peace. It did not 
happen.  World opinion, which until this time had accepted modern Japan's 
desire to oversee backward China, was repelled in horror.

New officers were indoctrinated to the expectations of war by beheading 
Chinese captives. The last stage of the training of combat troops was to 
bayonet a living human and a trial of courage for the officers. Prisoners 
were blindfolded and tied to poles; soldiers dashed forward to bayonet their 
target at the shout of "Charge!"

Combat medical units moved to China where live bodies were plentiful. If the 
class was in sutures, a chinaman was shot in the belly for doctors to 
practice; amputations, then arms were removed.

Bacterial warfare experiments conducted by an infamous medical unit moved to 
Manchuria. Bombs of anthrax and plague were tested on Chinese cities until 
the results were so good that too many Japanese soldiers also died. This 
unit also practiced vivisection. See more details of unit 731, along with 
web citations for those with the stomach.

Malaya.  Japanese troops decapitated 200 wounded Australians and Indians 
left behind when Australian troops withdrew through the jungle from Muar.

 Singapore. Japanese soldiers bayonet 300 patients and staff of Alexandra 
military hospital 9 Feb 1942.  British women had their hands behind their 
backs and repeatedly raped. All Chinese residents were interviewed and 5,000 
selected for execution.

Wake Island.  A construction crew of 1,200 mostly Idaho youths, captured 
when Wake Island fell, were shipped to Japanese prison camps.  Five were 
beheaded to encourage good behavior on the trip. The Japanese decided to 
keep 100 of the civilian contractors on the island to complete the airbase, 
which became functional by 1943 . When US Navy planes attacked the island, 
the Japanese commander executed the civilians.

Dutch East Indies.  Those Dutch accused of resisting Japan or participating 
in the destruction of the oil refineries had arms or legs chopped off. 
20,000 men were forced into the ocean and machine gunned.  20,000 women and 
children were repeatedly raped, then many were killed.

Dutch Borneo.  The entire white population of Balikpapan was executed.

Java.  The entire white male population of Tjepu was executed.  Women were 
Survivors of USS Edsall (DD-219) are beheaded.

Philippines.  Any soldier captured before the surrender was executed.
The Bataan Death March -- 7,000 surrendered men died. Those that could not 
keep up the pace were clubbed, stabbed, shot, beheaded or buried alive.
Once the prison camp had been reached, disease, malnutrition and brutality 
claimed up to 400 American and Filipinos -- each day.

Thailand.  15,000 military prisoners and 75,000 native laborers died 
building a railroad between Bangkok and Rangoon.
Bridge Over the River Kwai.

Doolittle Raid, Japan.  Three of eight US airmen captured were executed.
Doolittle Raid, China.  Twenty five thousand Chinese in villages through 
which the US flyers escaped were slaughtered in a three month reign of 

Midway.  Japanese destroyers rescued three U.S. naval aviators; after 
interrogation, all three were murdered.

Attu.  Japanese troops overran the medical aid station; after killing the 
doctors, they bayoneted the wounded.

Makin Atoll.  Nine of Carlson's Marine raiders were left behind, hid for two 
weeks and surrendered. They were beheaded a few weeks later when a ship was 
not available to take them to a prisoner of war camp.

Indian Ocean.  Capt Ariizumi, ComSubRon One, commanded submarine I-8 in the 
Indian Ocean. On March 26th, 1944, he collected from the water and massacred 
98 unarmed survivors of the Dutch merchantman Tjisalak he'd sunk south of 
Colombo. He repeated this performance with 96 prisoners from the American 
Jean Nicolet in the Maldives on July 2nd. He destroyed the lifeboats and 
dived, leaving 35 bound survivors on deck. 23 managed to untie their bonds 
and swim all night to be rescued by the Royal Indian Navy.  Capt Ariizumi 
committed hara-kiri while his squadron was being escorted to Yokosuka by the 
U.S. Navy.
I-26 is also known to have rammed merchant lifeboats from Richard Hovey and 
machine-gunned those in the water.

3Aug45. Japanese hospital ship Tachibana searched by Charrette (DD-581) when 
observed throwing weighted bags overboard. Found thirty (30) tons of 
ammunition, mortors, and machine guns in Red Cross boxes along with 1,500 
soldiers released from hospital on Kai bound for Soerabaja.

Japan.  Eight US airmen were used for medical dissection at Kyushu Imperial 
University with organs removed while the prisoners were still alive.

Bushi, the way of the soldier, was the creed of the Japanese in the Pacific 
War.  It was not that long ago.  The story of atrocities created under a 
pagan code is suppressed today in the interests of good will with a business 
partner.  Less we forget.  Civilization in only a veneer over other 
instincts of mankind.

History tells mass murder comes in many names, of Attila, Genghis Khan, and 
Tamerlane.  Hundreds of Indians and settlers were slaughtered like buffalo. 
Within the living lifetime:   Stalin purged twenty-some millions of his own 
people.   Mao may have topped him during 1949-76.   Nazi gave final solution 
to five or six millions.   Kurds have lost millions.   The Chamer Rouge 
killed 1.6 million.   Less we forget.   Hope for peace, but be prepared to 
resist savagery.

Additional reading. The Knights of Bushido: the Shocking History of Japanese 
War Atrocities
by Lord Edward Fredrick Russell, Dutton, 1958. Companion volume to his The 
Scourge of The Swastika.
Some items from the book.
Jan 1942. Dutch naval POWs taken to the spot where their ship had fired on a 
Japanese destroyer, decapitated and thrown into the the sea.
16Feb42. British evacuees from Singapore on the island of Bauka surrendered 
to a Japanese detail. The 26 soldiers were executed, the 22 Army nurses were 
marched into the sea and machine gunned, the twelve stretcher cases were 
bayoneted. -- Story told by the surviving nurse, who, though shot, was 
washed ashore.
March 1942. Kota Radja, Indonesia. Dutch prisoners put on a barge, towed out 
to sea, shot and thrown overboard.
7 Oct 43. Wake Island. On the order of RAdm Sakibara, 96 prisoners were 
blindfolded, hands tied behind their backs and massacred.
Oct 1944. New Guinea. A battalion commander confessed after the war, "I 
asked if I could get an American POW and kill him." Two were delivered, 
blindfolded, stabbed with a bayonet and decapitated with shovels.
12 Nov 44. New Britain. US fighter pilot made a forced landing. Beheaded, 
flesh cut form his body, cut into small pieces, fried and served to a large 
group of officers.
14 Dec 44. Palawan, Philippines. About 100 army and 50 marines had been 
warned if the US invades, they would be killed. When American planes 
attacked, Lt. Sato led 50 soldiers to pour buckets of gasoline on the 
entrances to shelters and ignite it. As the men came out they were 
bayoneted, shot or clubbed. -- Told by one of five survivors who escaped 
over a fence, though shot in the leg.
12 Nov 45. Guam. The flesh of LTjg H___, aviator, was served to an infantry 
battalion. [ The Japanese order for the communion-like sacrifice was 
Russell concentrates on events sanctioned by higher authorities as 
documented by War Crimes Trial, whereas I have extracted events from 
readings. Although many leaders practiced human treatment, the norm was 
total indifference, and bestial behavior was a totally accepted pattern.

An Insight into Life and Death at a POW Camp in War-time Japan by Wes 

Use of Allied prisoners of war for slave labor by Japanese companies is 
discussed in: "Unjust Enrichment" by Linda Goetz Holmes, 2001.   Her 1994 
book, "4000 Bowls of Rice: A Prisoner of War Comes Home", is about Allied 
prisoners of the Japanese who built the Burma Railway

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"bitter anko" <> wrote in message
> Warren Lichtenstein of the U.S. hedge fund Steel Partners declared
> today that he's going to EDUCATE the japs, just like his brother F.
> Rosenvelt ("Roosevelt" in English) declared with W. Churchill in 1944.
> What does "EDUCATE" mean? Another A-Bomb?