Paul's view from New York City
a very skillful attack
who profits?
-Israeli incursions in two P.A. towns
-the largest British fleet organized in eighteen years
"coincidentally" has been on route for days nearing the
Middle East for "maneuvers"
-America asking for coalition of global powers for
new "counter-insurgent" war... a planetary Vietnam.
Rather than seriously ask why people would kill
themselves and so many others, "we" put an answer in
their mouths and say, -Prez-"they attack us because we
are the bastion of freedom in the world." period....
Some introspection? No. Respect for the enemy? No.
Understanding the enemy? No. That is why the forces of
reaction do not know what the terms are or what to do.
These are the fruits of the politics of denial. We deny
the complaints of our victims, even deny they are our
victims, and blind ourselves to a planet of enmity.
Understanding this, as I have long fruitlessly preached
as a "lunatic", one must take one of three possible
courses: X) Understand ones position of domination, take
every defensive measure, and terrorize the dominated. Y)
Deny ones imperial position and be over run by a million
cuts Z) Discard past paradigms worn thin since times
before pharaoh, make a detente for all humankind and all
the rest of nature, including a transformation in our
relationships to the Earth and human to human.
The standing "American authorities" want solution Y with
a big war on the dispossessed, Islam, and the rest. It
would be the fourth world war since the sheep in America
seem to have missed the third one. Our "leaders"
are inept, impotent, and culpable in one of two ways.
First: For a second "hijacked" commercial jet to strike
the most critical concentration in the global capitalist
economy, twenty minutes after the first, and with no
military response, is profound negligence. Particularly
in the wake of the 1993 WTC attack, the success of this
attack is pure negligence...or... complicity. If it is
simple puerile negligence, then the governor of NY, and
the mayor of NYC, who are so busy congratulating and
patting each other on the back for what a great job they
have done, should resign in shame and utter humiliation
for their total failure. Also former governor Cuomo
should beg the forgiveness of his constituents and the
greater public. The joint chiefs of staff, as well as
all regional military and air commanders should resign
or be court-martialed for negligence. The current
administration as well as members of senate and house
intelligence and military committees should be removed
from office and placed under house arrest for extensive
questioning. The former administration should be
likewise detained. All planning staffs for civil
defense and air security should be detained and
questioned, if not court marshaled. That is if an enemy
attacked us. If there was, however, foreknowledge by any
elements of our government, there should be a grand
jury, and also a global response. There have been many
comparisons today and since the annihilation of the WTC
with Pearl Harbor, the attack on Hawaii in 1941. Years
of speculation over the absence of our vital air-craft
carriers at that attack, as well as myriad evidence,
points to a foreknowledge by F.D.R. which is confirmed
by a decade of public study of the code breaking facts
of Ultra Mega. Many times after Pearl Harbor the
British and Americans allowed their own troop ships to
go to the bottom rather than reveal to the enemy that
all their codes were useless. This was rationalized
then and now as expedient both to motivate the American
public to eagerness for war and to help finally win it.
Today what would be the motive? In a world that should
head for peace we have a threatened way of life, the
global capitalist military industrial "complex". In
need of perceived enemies and great battles, and willing
to accept at least a police state "counter-insurgency"
planetary domination system, would they sacrifice the
WTC? Symbolically it will inspire hundreds of thousands
of those disenfranchised with western freedom to fight
and seek training and organizations that can help them
achieve something so grand. There is our enemy, since
realistically China has not invaded its neighbors
significantly for a thousand year and is not likely to
threaten the U.S.(only Tibet, and maybe one of
Siberia.... wait and see-either way the U.S. never even
did anything about Tibet) So now around the world we
will have tight security which will not stop anything
and the police state planet NWO will attempt to take
control and will, basically if they are not stopped
Guilty or innocent the current authorities have to go,
for America and the Earth.
Feel free to distribute my views...
What was it an attack against?
a view from NYC: 14sep2001
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