I saw a post about that, thanks, I'll check it out.  Should have known
their 'ain't' no easy fix
On Mon, 5 Mar 2007 19:12:50 -0500, "doS" <kobo65@hotnotsomail.com>

>could be the invertor
><ronnienospamholland@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message 
>> The screen on my Toshiba Satellite 1405-S151 PS140U-027XFX Laptop has
>> been out for a year or so.  Since my wife uses it as a desktop, I've
>> got a monitor hooked up to it and and that's working OK.
>> She's getting a new computer and I want to try to fix the Toshiba's
>> lcd screen.  Acutally I don't think there is anything wrong with the
>> screen, just a connection burned out or loose maybe???
>> I've torn into Dell laptops with success but haven't (and won't) go
>> into the Toshiba till I get her up and running with the new computer.
>> Question:
>> 1. Is this a possibly easy fix?
>> 2. is there a 'how to' website?
>>                                   Please post reply in this group.
>> Regards, (and thanks)
>> Ron 