(Kay) wrote in message news:<MWtFa.74
> Keep in mind I have never defended Korean boorishness.
> I admit that many are.  I am merely offended by your defense
> of equally objectionable Japanese boorishness and effort
> to put the blame solely on Korean shoulder.  That is really bad.


I've been reading your responses and I applaud your maturity and
patience.  But you're wasting your time.  Really in the large scheme
of things rivalry and hatred between the two countries can be argued
to be counterproductive.  But when you look at the large scheme of
things it hardly matters.  The truth of the matter is both countries
suffer from inferiority complex.  Japan with the US, and Korea with
Japan.  Funny thing though that both are second fiddles when it comes
to China in the region, and China is second fiddle to the US. Japan
doesn't even figure from a geopolitical standpoint.  Its only power is
economic and because of its incestuous banking and business culture it
is slowly imploding right now.  Its really all jockeying for who is
the third wheel in a race between two countries that are not even
placed to finish.

Its all laughable.  As to the title of this thread, both countries are
reknowned for their xenophobia, and racist derived drive for racial
purity.  Its quite like the pot calling the kettle black.